On October 24, Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg
welcomed everyone to the Amari Resort’s Tavern by the Sea Restaurant for the
regular Sunday meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club. After the usual
opening announcements, he called on Bruce Gordon to speak to the Club.

speaker of the day Bruce Gordon discusses the Universal Law of Attraction,
attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t into your life.
Bruce’s topic was about using the Universal Law of
Attraction to attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t into
your life. Bruce has an interesting background, having left a successful
career in finance over 30 years ago and embarked on a journey that has taken
him on a lifelong quest of self discovery, traveling, living and working in
more than 70 different countries.
With over 30 years experience in international business
ventures around the world, the main thread running through all of Bruce’s
endeavors has been the constant seeking out of the best minds for studying,
and training in areas such as business, communications, psychology, conflict
resolution, and spirituality. Bruce hold’s accreditation from some of the
top teachers in the world in their fields, ranging from Toney Robbins Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP) to bestselling author Michael Losier on the Law of

PCEC Chairman Richard Smith advises members of the upcoming computer group
meeting; this meeting will be directed to getting computer beginners up and
running, with email and browsing.
Bruce began his presentation by showing some slides that
provided a historical reference for the Law of Attraction. He said that it
is a universal law, like gravity. It is neutral and applies to both the good
and the bad. Further, he said that it is always at work in your life
responding to your thoughts and emotional vibrations (vibes).
The idea in applying the Law of Attraction is to realize
that you can learn how to use it to create positive vibes to attract what
you want in life. Further, by giving off positive vibes, you will attract
more of the same from others.
Basically vibes come from your mood or feelings and will
be either positive or negative. When you meet someone, they can usually tell
if you are giving off positive or negative vibes.
To create these positive vibes, Bruce said that there are
three words you should eliminate from your vocabulary. These words are
“Don’t,” “Not,” and “No.” These words are negative and if you apply them in
your thoughts on what you want in life, you will be giving off negative
rather than positive vibes. Thus you will not be attracting what you want in
life; rather you will be attracting what you don’t want. It is better to use
positive words. Instead of saying something like I don’t want to be fat, you
should flip it around and say what you want, which can be said as I want to
be skinny.
According to Bruce, there is a three step formula for
attracting what you want in life: (1) know what it is you want; (2) give
desire, focus, and energy to achieving it; and (3) allow it to happen by
eliminating resistance to it.
Bruce explained that knowing what you want is not always
easy. He suggested you list what you want or perhaps you may find it easier
to list what you don’t want. If the latter, you should then flip it so that
you then write it in positive terms to say what you want rather than what
you don’t want. Using the positive terms will give off positive vibes.
Bruce provided several examples. One such was that if you
say I am a great golfer, it will not work because a voice inside your head
will say no you are not. Rather than starting out saying you are a great
golfer, Bruce said make it a goal that you can become a great golfer. Then
focus your energy on that thought and over time; you will find that you are
attracting the things you need such as the knowledge and skills to achieve
your goal. To allow it, you must remove resistance to it. Methods to do this
will vary. For example some people want proof it is happening. For those,
Bruce suggested they could write down their accomplishments in a journal as
evidence that you did accomplish something toward gaining your goal.
In conclusion, Bruce said it is all about vibes. If you
are giving off positive thoughts and feelings, then you will attract
positive things to your life. If you are giving off negative thoughts and
feelings, you will be attracting less of what you want and more of what you
don’t want.
There was a lot of interest from the audience as
evidenced by their many questions and comments. Bruce offered to form a
discussion group so that those interested would have the opportunity to
learn more on how to use the Law of Attraction to get more of what you want
and less of what you don’t want.
The meeting concluded with Richard bringing everyone up
to date on upcoming general and club events. He then called on Harry “Sig”
Sigworth to conduct the always informative and sometimes humorous Open
Forum, where questions about living in Thailand and Pattaya in particular
are asked and answered.
Rotarians travel to Isaan on mission of love and care
Marliese Fritz
Following up on a recent trip to Isaan (the northeast of
Thailand) to investigate the needs of people in need of assistance, members of
the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard made the return journey on October 15, but this
time they carried with them supplies and medical apparatus for those that needed
them the most.

The expedition of mercy was led by President Jan Abbink and a
team of club members including his wife Ket, Carl and Joy Dyson, Geda Hufer and
Marliese Fritz.
The team headed straight into Buriram, where they were
welcomed by dear friends Past President Peter Rottman and his energetic and kind
hearted wife Nitaya. Peter and Nitaya were residents of Pattaya, but decided to
move back to Krasang in Buriram, Nitaya’s home, to be close to the people of the
land so that they could liaise with the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard to help
them with their needs.
The visiting Rotarians brought with them a pram for 4 year
old Nitchagan Penkruea and gave her mother some financial aid so that she could
take her daughter to a Bangkok for tests and treatment.

(L to R)
Marliese Fritz, Geda Hufer, Mrs. Penkruea, President Jan Abbink and Nitaya
Rottmann and baby Garuna Chaisurijon.
Another unfortunate child was 4 year old Garuna Chaisurijon
who was born a hermaphrodite, who was also given funds for treatment in Bangkok.
We had brought along a 3-wheel wheelchair which we had
promised Kiam Somon on our last visit. He was really happy to receive it and
immediately sped off in it for a test run.
We went on to Baan Huey Samran School to inspect the water
filtration system which we had installed and found it to be in working order,
producing clean water for the consumption of the school children and the
neighboring community.
We ensured that local children were given an opportunity to
attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp in Ubon. RYLA is Rotary’s
leadership training program for young people which emphasizes leadership,
citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to demonstrate Rotary’s respect and
concern for youth, to provide an effective training experience for selected
youth and potential leaders, encourage leadership of youth by youth and
recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities.
At the end of our mercy mission to Isaan we crossed into Laos
for a much deserved break before heading back home to Pattaya.
5 Pattaya businesses donate air filters to Banglamung Hospital

businesses donate air filters to Banglamung Hospital.
Vimolrat Singnikorn
Five Pattaya companies have donated air filters worth
more than 30,000 baht to Banglamung Hospital to bolster the facility’s
ability to handle the upcoming flu season.
Pharmacist Sureerat Wongsirilak, general manager of
Wellness Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd., presented the two internal filters
and one vehicle filter worth 32,000 baht to Banglamung Hospital Director Dr.
Narongsak Ekwattanakul Oct. 13. The machines were donated by Wellness, Areca
Lodge, the Buffalo Bar, Discovery Beach Hotel and Sandalay Resort.
Sureerat said Wellness Solutions organized the donation
in recognition that the H1N1 influenza crisis still has not subsided
completely and with the cooler weather coming, Pattaya could see new
outbreaks. The “Bios Life Air” devices help purify the air and impede the
spread of the flu bug.
VFW to celebrate Veteran’s Day in Pattaya

Eric Larsen, Commander and John P. Clark,
Junior Vice Commander
World War I - known at the time as the “The Great War” -
officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in
the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However,
fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation
of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the
eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason,
November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all
In November 1919, US President Wilson proclaimed November 11
as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. Later, the 83rd Congress, at the
urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by
striking out the word “Armistice” and inserting in its place the words
“Veterans”. With the approval of this legislation on June 1, 1954, November 11th
became a day to honor American veterans of all wars. (Courtesy of Veterans
Affairs (VA))
The VFW Post 9876 will traditionally commemorate Veterans Day
with a small ceremony at 12 p.m. (noon) on Thursday, November 11 our post home,
the Hog’s Breath Saloon on Soi Batman. VFW Post 9876 was chartered on 7 March
1981 here in Pattaya and has operated all those 29 years in this city. It has
over 400 members who are all US Military veterans who have served in a foreign
war for the United States Of America. Our charter is to promote comradeship,
continued patriotism and assist US military veterans in all aspects possible. We
also assist as needed all US Military veterans widows.
Royal British Legion Thailand to hold annual Service of Remembrance
We are fast approaching the time of year we in the Legion
call Remembrancetide, the time when we place poppy boxes around the Pattaya area
and the time we hold our Annual Service of Remembrance. Over the last few years
many people have asked me, “Do the Royal British Legion have a service in
Pattaya” the answer I’m afraid has been “No”.
That changes on Thursday November 11th this year when we will
be holding our first Service of Remembrance at 10.50 a.m. in St Niklaus Church
on Sukhumvit Road. The service will be open to all nationalities and all faiths
and will be as it should be, both short and simple. Wreaths will be laid by a
number of groups inside the church, outside the church will be a garden of
remembrance where if you wish you may place a small wooden cross with the name
of a loved one you have lost.
Whilst you can of course just turn up, it really would help
us if we had an idea of numbers, especially if you intend to bring a group of
people (we could then reserve your seats).
We have come a long way since 2007 when 15 of us formed the
Thailand Branch, as we now have close to 200 members and cover welfare cases all
over Thailand. We have 9 widows under our wing whom we ensure receive all they
are entitled to as regards pensions and benefits. Last year we spent over
190,000 baht on such things as medical care, rent, household goods, funerals,
visits and a number of other things, and all these were paid for from the local
Poppy Appeal and, when needed, funds sent from UK. We also simply call in to say
“hello” to any elderly ex members of the UK Armed Forces who may have retired
here in Thailand and are alone.
Whilst our primary role is the care and welfare of those who
have served/are serving in the UK Armed Forces and or their dependants we also
have a very active social life, we meet every Sunday from 2pm at Tropical
Bert’s, 2nd Road and have trips to such things as Remembrance Sunday at the
British Embassy, ANZAC Day at the River Kwai, Malaysia every June and whatever
else our Social Secretary lays on for us (a day at the races in Bangkok went
down very well, you can even bet!).
You do not have to have served in the Armed Forces to join
the Legion, simply contact me or come along any Sunday and please contact me if
you intend to attend the Service of Remembrance in Pattaya (seated by 10.40
a.m.) at bert@tropicalberts.com
Finally I would like to thank all those who donated for a
poppy last year, I’m sure you wore it with pride and hope you do the same this
year. It is perhaps a sad sign of the times that due to present day conflicts
the majority of the Legion’s funds and care is directed at those under 35 years
of age.
Father Corsie brings healing
to the faithful in Pattaya

Father Corsie Legaspi insists
that it is not he who does the healing,
but it is God who through him heals the suffering of His children.
Elfi Seitz
Father Corsie Legaspi, renowned divine healer arrived in
Pattaya on October 21, to bring blessings of relief and healing to the faithful.
Hundreds of devout followers and other members of the community thronged to St
Nikolaus Catholic Church where the ceremonies were held.
Among those that had come for the divine healing was Ms. Rosa
Ampat Sankary who said, “Three days ago I could not walk because of the pain I
had to bear. With the help of a walker I came to seek Father Corsie’s blessing
and pray that he could ease my suffering.
“Father Corsie laid his hands on me. I closed my eyes and put
all my faith in the divine power of God. Gradually my pain subsided and I was
able to slowly walk again. I am so overcome with joy and want to tell the world
of this miracle.”
Rosa is just one of the thousands of people inflicted with
pain and suffering who have sought help and healing from Father Corsie who
insists that it is not he who does the healing, but it is God who through him
heals the suffering of His children.
Another believer, Jonny Larsen said, “Nine years ago I was 90
percent blind and was on the verge of becoming totally blind. With divine faith
and father Corsie’s healing, I have kept my eyesight.”
Many people who have had problems moving their limbs came to
seek healing from the holy priest. One of them was my friend from Austria. She
is able to move without pain again.
I too experienced Father Corsie’s divine healing. I had
suffered from psoriasis and nothing seemed to cure it. So I asked Father Corsie
to bless the soap I use and now the dreadful infliction has slowly cured and I
am confident that it will disappear completely.
Father Corsie treated people suffering from other ailments by
placing his hand on their forehead which induced a sense of ‘sleep’ whereby they
fell backwards supported by helpers who lay them gently on the ground. This is
called ‘slain in the spirit’.
After a while they ‘awoke’ from their divine sleep feeling a
sense of hope in their hearts and a sense of calm in their souls.
I spoke to many of them and they all had this to say, “It was
such a beautiful feeling, we thought we were resting in God’s lap. It is a
miracle that we are healed.”
Father Corsie introduces four basic types of healing.
Physical Healing refers to the healing of the physical aspects of the
body, external and internal. This is what 90% of patients come to a healing
session for. Then there is the Inner or Emotional Healing, which
has to do with painful memories of past hurts. These hurts may lie buried in a
person’s subconscious, and may at times become the cause of physical illness.
The Spiritual Healing involves the vicious cycles of sin and the
forgiveness of sin. Deliverance Healing means deliverance from
demons and evil spirits. The Bible speaks of such healing as performed by Christ
in His time. All those healing are again divided into: 1. Instant healing,
wherein a person is healed on the spot, the next morning or a few days after the
pray over; and 2. Progressive healing, requiring more trips to the
healing service, or more praying over until a patient, gifted with the grace and
mercy of God, is healed.
Thank you, Father Corsie Legaspi, for visiting Pattaya again
and helping so many people to overcome their illness.
Father Corsie Legaspi will return to Pattaya in April 2011.