Mail Bag |
Post office in Na Jomtien
Dear Editor;
Yesterday I went to the new post office at Sukhumi Rd, Na
Jomtien. I picked up a parcel, there was supposed to be three items in the
parcel, according my order and the invoice. However, when I came home I
learned one item was missing.
So my advice to all readers is please check the parcels
you pick up before you leave the post office.
I can also mention that one parcel is missing all
This never happened at the Naklua post office.
Illegal CD vendor continues to annoy
Concerning the very loud music outside the entrance to
South Pattaya market: the Illegal CD vendor who has been warned, but turns
up at 1 a.m. and plays thumping music until 6.30 a.m. or later, City Hall
has done nothing. Again it’s just promises, promises. This vendor shows
total and utter disrespect for Wat Chaimongkol opposite and local residents,
drowning out monks chanting and other services as well keeping residents
awake all night. Wake up City Hall, give us back some respect and sleep.
Yours Respectfully,
James Morrison
Think before littering
If one ever saw a baby choking on a cigarette end or a
bottle cap, you would never litter again. The Pollution Solution Group would
like to start to see a big decline in these two items being left behind, for
unknowing children and wildlife to find and ingest.
We are not telling people to quit smoking or drinking, we
are just asking them to think before leaving things behind that can kill
children and wildlife, like cigarette ends, bottle caps, disposable lighters
and camera batteries.
We know that Pattaya Mail also has concerns for
our children and wildlife and we thank them for putting this to print.
Wishing All, Happy Holidays.
Gerry Rasmus,
Pollution Solution Group
HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]
: |
Post office in Na Jomtien
Illegal CD vendor continues to annoy
Think before littering
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