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Mail Bag

People reaching out


The Pollution Solution Group just wanted to share with your great newspaper a few pictures of concerned people that see us cleaning the beach and want to reach out and be a part of the solution, not the pollution.

The first 2 pictures are 2 lovely students from out of town, who took time from their holiday and picked up litter left behind by others. We thanked them and gave them literature to bring back to their school.

The father and son helped in the removal of the many toxic cigarette butts, bottle caps and pointed BBQ sticks.

After we explained to the father what we were doing and gave him some literature, he then explained to his son about 3 small dangerous things left behind by unknowing or uncaring beach-goers, 2 of them being toxic cigarette butts and bottle caps that can be ingested by a baby. He also taught his son how dangerous it is to step on a BBQ stick, and shared with him that babies up to 2 years old put whatever will fit into their little mouths. He said he wishes that people would be more aware.

The Pollution Solution Group always has literature that we freely pass out or give on request. Please leave only smiles, examples and footprints behind.

The Pollution Solution Group
KOTO Keeper Of The Ocean

Thailand as Asian Hub


Asia has become a major player in rewriting the global economy crisis response script, with China and India in the spotlight taking center stage. Over the next decade, the region’s ongoing revitalization will give it an increasingly important, bravo command performance starring role.

The West has a lot to learn from the proud heritage, philosophical insights, spiritual consciousness and inspiring dynamism of the East - and vice-versa. Infrastructure, Health and Education policies must be able to deliver sustainable growth and ensure progressive measures which will impact positively on future generations.

The .com era of Global Transformation for the entire planet features a variety of “C” Challenges and Concerns, such as: Communication, Competition, Cooperation, Collaboration, Capacitation, Conservation, Capital Controls and Climate Change.

The extensive and profound interaction between Humankind and Nature require appreciation of and respect for tolerant Multiversity. Save Our Earth “green” initiatives emphasize the need to tackle and deal with acute problems resulting from the depletion of the finite energy resources which are largely non-renewable. Water and food shortfalls also require more equitable, shared solutions.

As an expanding regional hub from car production to medical services, Thailand’s strengths include its strategic location, its gateway accessibility, its multi-cultural traditions and the welcoming hospitality of it visitor-friendly populace.

The Travel & Tourism should:

* Expand environmental awareness of ecotourism and agrotourism;

* Offer meet-the-people and home stay learning options;

* Promote village cooperative OTOP high quality product marketing;

* Create additional renewable energy solar farms, wind and biomass projects;

* Eliminate the double pricing scheme which many regard as discriminatory and unfair.

Competitively priced holistic health spa and hospital wellness hub businesses must all become globally accredited, offering a wide range of professional job opportunities to trained personnel in the areas of medical, surgical, dental, optical, spiritual and herbal massage services. Young entrepreneurs need government assistance and supportive guidance to successfully start their own money-making ventures.

ICT market advancements in social media have increased wireless internet demand for Smartphones, mininotebooks, media tablets, E-readers and ipads. To become a viable academic hub meeting international standards, the monolithic Ministry of Education should rethink priorities to ensure a free-thinking self-access curriculum which focuses on reinforcing functional life coping skills in order to prepare each and every student to become a secure, self-confident global citizen.

Dr. Charles Frederickson

Trying to eradicate polio worldwide

Dear Editor,

Re Eric Bahrt’s letter concerning polio vaccine in your issue of 11th March. Dear old Eric Bahrt, forever quoting selected obscure so-called experts to make his points.

Eric, here’s a little education for you. Over the past few years Rotary International, The Bill Gates Foundation and the UN have between them invested hundreds of millions of US dollars to eradicate polio worldwide. Except for a few isolated pockets they have been successful and are continuing until polio has been completely wiped out. A mammoth task that has been achieved by globally administering millions upon millions of vaccine treatments, proving beyond question its effectiveness.

This is not opinion or possibly flawed research, but hard fact and has actually happened.

Should you ever be so unfortunate to require medical attention I trust you will refuse any treatment that has been developed by use of animals, however life saving it may be. But, of course, with your much flaunted healthy vegetarian life style, etc., you are never going to be ill, are you? For people such as yourself it must be extremely frustrating to realise one day that they are dying from absolutely nothing.

Rotarian Chris Gibbins

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

People reaching out

Thailand as Asian Hub

Trying to eradicate polio worldwide

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