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Storm drains


We here at the Pollution Solution Group wonder why the storm drains are “always” left full of garbage and when storms, expected or not, come, and they always will, many of the storm drains will plug up from the garbage that is tossed or swept into them. Other litter finds their way thrown onto our roads, streets and walkways, from the rain or wind and for some reason (duh) they start to back up and flood, before they can reach the ocean. This floods our streets, homes and businesses causing unnecessary traffic problems, in some cases injury, sending polluted water everywhere causing infections, colds, much misery and much expense for ground level families and businesses.

We have been asking city hall for “years” to please get a handle on the storm drains, starting with stenciling, imposing fines and having them pumped out in heavy foot traffic areas “monthly” where many people throw, dump or sweep their litter into them. There are way too many that do.

We are not saying that this would stop the flooding, we are saying there would be much less of it. Water would not be as contaminated, not as many homes and businesses would be affected, roads more passable, infection and other types of sickness less likely.

Storm drains are for “Rain Water ONLY”. Way too many people either don’t care, don’t know better or are just too lazy to dispose of their litter properly. Fines and signs should be the first steps and of course talking to schools, and placing more garbage cans.

We are allowing our lives to be very effected by not taking care of our storm drains.

“Water” is our life’s blood, storm drains are the arteries that carry it to our ocean, lakes, rivers, streams and creeks. We are allowing them to be contaminated daily, and we wonder why Mother Earth is acting up.
Thank You
Gerry Rasmus aka KOTO

Garbage dumps in South Jomtien


In Jomtien we have some pretty active Keepers Of The Ocean, but it’s too bad we don’t have Keepers Of The Land as well.

Most of the land not yet developed here belongs to speculators who do care about only one thing, the final amount they’ll get from selling it.

What happens in the meantime to the land is meaningless to them.

The crossroad of Chaiyapruek and the new 2nd road in South Jomtien.

South Jomtien residents see new heaps of garbage growing up every day in those lands, mostly construction sites junk, old planks, plaster and cement blocks, plastic bags, polystyrene and cardboard wrapping furniture provided with the new condos. Judging from the volume of trash already existing, KOTO or KOTL picking might not be sufficient, it’s more like D9 Caterpillar work in some places.

Those junkyards can be seen everywhere, in practically all the sois and roads of South Jomtien. For instance on the 1st picture, at the crossroad of Chaiyapruek and the new 2nd Road, this location was clean one month ago. The soi on the 2nd picture, on the road from Chaiyapruek to the Majestic is like this since one year at least.

Nobody in his right mind is going to buy their so-called luxury and exclusive developments, if they are surrounded and floating on a sea of garbage.

South Jomtien is fast becoming a poor and destitute suburb of Pattaya, and nobody seems to be concerned with the problem in the city hall offices or in the local media.

Maybe you could raise a little bit the awareness of your readers about this by publishing my protest.

The road from Chaiyapruek to the Majestic has been like this for one year at least.

This may not please your sponsors who post ads about new developments in your columns, but in the long run, to talk about it could help the authorities to grasp the problem, improve the situation and bring back customers to Jomtien and South Jomtien. The present omerta does not help at all. A restored cleanliness will be more effective than any of those tourism marketing campaigns the city officials are boasting about.

What we need are patrols looking for and fining the perpetrators, and publicize the available locations where the processing of the refuse can be properly carried out, if such places exist, of course.

Peace Corps’ 50th Anniversary (1961-2011)


From September 21 – 24, a series of global commemorative events were held to commemorate 50 years of promoting peace and friendship around the world. Established by President John F. Kennedy, the Peace Corps’ stated mission has 3 goals:

1. Helping the people of interest countries in meeting their need for trained men and women;

2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served;

3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

To date, more than 200,000 volunteers have served proudly in a total of 139 countries, working in such areas as Education (37%), Health & HIV/AIDS (22%), Business Development (14%), Environment (13%), Agriculture (4%), Youth Development (5%) and other (5%). The goal of educating and engaging the public requires making a positive image difference every day. In an ever-changing new technologies world, current and former volunteers learn how to meet new challenges flexibly with innovation, creativity, determination and compassion, inspiring the next generation of volunteers while enabling others to build better lives for themselves.

More than 5,000 dedicated PCVs have served in Thailand since the program was established in 1962, with Sargent Shriver serving as the first Director. Among the proven successful Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who continue to contribute significantly by making a substantive humanitarian impact are: Barent Springsted, Consultant to the Siam Society (under Royal Patronage); Doris Wisbunsin , Member of Executive Board - NTU/Thailand; Joe Cummings (author of Lonely Planet Guides); Ginny Kirkwood, president of the Kirkwood Charity Foundation; Paul Wedel, Executive Director, Kenan Institute Asia; Kevin Quigley, President of the National Peace Corps Association; Terry Fredrickson, head of educational marketing and teacher support for the Bangkok Post; John Williams, PC Thailand Country Director; Darryl N. Johnson, U.S. Ambassador to Thailand and Emilie Clevenger Ketudat, Coordinator of the Thailand Campaign to Ban Landmines. Thank you!

Of course, there are many other unsung heroes whose one-on-one efforts, striving to make an others-oriented enabling difference go unrecognized in the media. Most helping hands would agree that they receive far more from the caring and sharing experience than they give. The major bonus that these generous, kind-hearted individuals receive include: greater appreciation of tolerant multiversity, free-thinking independence, flexible cooperative learning organizational skills, increased self-confidence, more focused positive energy and inner satisfaction spiritual joy. Chai-yo!
Dr. Charles Frederickson

Amazing Thailand


Wow, I have just found out where the ‘lost’ Keystone Kops are in Pattaya. Ski boat scammers and boundary infringers on the loose everyday and not one Kop around to control this mess. Even with statement after statement made from both the police and administration about getting this under control, nothing is ever done. Same for the flood control folks.

What do these people do all day at their office? Do they just sit around waiting for something to happen, instead of doing daily ‘walk-arounds’ to see what needs fixing, which should be part of their job description? It sure looks like it. Max Sennet would be proud of these local guys. Oh well, it is Thailand, so I think I will have a beer and jai yen yen.
Hyde Parke

War on drugs and gambling


As a foreigner I try to have some understanding for the Thai way, but what happened lately beats everything. Four people playing a game of cards in the front garden of one’s house until some emigration police comes and fines them with 10,000 baht each for, what they say, gambling.

They should be happy they are not driving around drunk in a SUV trying to kill some people or taking drugs, and they even didn’t play for money. In the Netherlands playing cards is part of education; children learn to count, socialise and think logically, so they learn it from 7 or even younger until the grave and it doesn’t have to go about money.

It is a kind of strange way to raise people like playing games is bad, because I also saw one day a kind of police came to tell some ladies in a bar they couldn’t play domino, while there are some times I watch some Thai guys playing pool and the baht are flying over the table. I think even a lottery is gambling, so stop the hypocrisy. Maybe the police have nothing better to do, so then I can show them 5 opportunities or more.
Always ready to give some advice.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Storm drains

Garbage dumps in South Jomtien

Peace Corps’ 50th Anniversary (1961-2011)

Amazing Thailand

War on drugs and gambling

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