Councilman resumes war on ugly Pattaya telephone lines


Pattaya City Council member Banlue Kullavanijaya has resumed his war with the area’s utility companies, drafting city workers to pull down kilometers of unsightly, unused telephone lines.

Since last summer, Banlue has demanded TOT, TT&T and CAT Telecom clean up their spaghetti-like mess of cables in his Sukhumvit Road district. After being basically ignored, Banlue in September took matters into his own hands, going with city workers to pull down cables near Pattaya School No. 1.

The city has restarted an attempt to clean up the unsightly mess of unused wires around town, embarrassing local utility company management who were told to do this themselves a long time ago. The city has restarted an attempt to clean up the unsightly mess of unused wires around town, embarrassing local utility company management who were told to do this themselves a long time ago.

The city councilman was at it again May 25 on Sukhumvit Soi 15, using city engineers to remove wires as a few phone company representatives looked on.

Banlue said he’s tired of the ugly mess of wires hanging from power poles throughout the city. Lazy phone line installers rarely take down disused cables and simply string up another when a new line is called for. The councilman said it is his goal to have all the dead lines taken out and the live ones tied up neatly.

Work will continue on Sukhumvit June 8 near the Sawangfa Temple intersection and proceed through Central Road until June 22.