Pattaya approves 56.1 million baht in supplementary spending


The Pattaya City Council approved spending of an additional 56 million baht for a list of nine projects dominated by roadworks, flood prevention, and waste collection.

The 56.1 million was allocated to supplement the 2014 budget. The council also voted down two proposals – for “durable” musical instruments for the city Art, Movies and Music Department, and a new water tank for the Pattaya Permanent Secretary’s Office – costing a total 1.2 million baht.

City Hall has approved spending of an additional 56 million baht for roadwork, flood prevention, and waste collection.City Hall has approved spending of an additional 56 million baht for roadwork, flood prevention, and waste collection.

Of the projects approved, 14.7 million baht was budgeted for construction of a new road and laying of flood-drainage pipeline on Sukhumvit Soi 91. A second, unspecified road project was approved for 9.4 million baht.

The council also approved 7.2 million baht for a project to manage wastewater treatment and flood prevention, and 19.9 million baht to hire a contractor to collect, transfer and treat waste.

Pattaya Hospital also received some spending, with 2.5 million baht approved for new communication radios, and 1.3 million baht for air conditioners.

A replacement water tank for city hall also was approved for 935,200 baht.