Police round up 60 Beach Road loiterers


About 60 Beach Road loiterers were rounded up, fined and released in the Pattaya police’s latest sweep of Pattaya Beach.

A near monthly occurrence, the raid saw police saw police take 40 women and 20 women-of-the-second-category accused of being prostitutes and petty thieves into Pattaya Police Station where they were fined a mere 100 baht and released, presumably to go back to their Beach Road perches.

Several Beach Road loiterers await their turn to pay their 100 baht fines at Pattaya police station. Several Beach Road loiterers await their turn to pay their 100 baht fines at Pattaya police station.

Lt. Col. Kritsanat Thonsuppanat claimed all five dozen confessed to being prostitutes out of financial need, but are considered a nuisance to tourists.