Don’t need to speak English to pick up trash



The Pollution Solution Group met this very nice Russian lady, not speaking a word of English, letting us know she wanted to help us clean the beach. For 2 + hours she assisted us, removing many kilos of plastic, bottle caps, toxic cigarette butts, diapers, bar-b-q sticks, bits and pieces of rope and fishing nets, disposable lighters, broken swim buoy foam and plastic, bamboo poles full of razor sharp barnacles. Then helping us throw starfish, which were caught at low tide, back into the ocean to give them a chance to live for another day. We have seen her cleaning the beach before.

This caring lady from a place, far, far away from her home, as others also have, show us there are some very nice, environmentally concerned, pleasant Russians in all walks of life. We have met many before her, and I’m sure we will meet many more after.

The Pollution Solution Group thanks this caring Russian lady and all the Farangs and Thais that have concerns about the environment and have reached out to help make our Mother Earth a cleaner, safer place, for all.

Gerry Rasmus, aka KOTO