Police question British man’s fatal tumble from Pattaya apartment


Police are investigating whether a British man jumped or was pushed to his death by a group of transvestites out the fourth-floor window of a central Pattaya apartment house.

The broken body of Naami Keyghobadi, 28, was found outside a real estate office on the ground floor of the Dolphin House apartments on Soi Lengkee. He was transported to Pattaya Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly later.

Police interviewed Pachorn Chaihongsa, a ladyboy from Khon Kaen living in the fourth-floor apartment from which Keyghobadi plummeted. There they found a bag of the dead Briton’s clothing, medication and other personal items.

All four transvestites were taken to Pattaya police station where they all failed drug tests.All four transvestites were taken to Pattaya police station where they all failed drug tests.

Keyghobadi did not live in the building. He arrived in Thailand on holiday on Dec. 4 and was scheduled to return home on Dec. 30, according to the U.K.’s Telegraph newspaper.

Pachorn told police that Keyghobadi had hired two ladyboy prostitutes, Amy and Pia, living on the third floor, but a vehement argument broke out over the fee charged.

Keyghobadi fled the third-floor room and was charging down the hallway of the fourth when Pachorn said he opened his door to see what all the commotion was. Keyghobadi rushed into the room, followed by the two transvestites.

What happened next depends on who police asked. Pachorn said the two angry ladyboys tried to tackle Keyghobadi, but he broke free and then either climbed out of the window, or jumped straight out it.

Police suspect, however, he may have been pushed.

Investigators found three more ladyboys sleeping in a room on the second floor. One, Kongpan Moolraj, escaped, but was captured downstairs by police volunteers. He claimed he was not trying to escape and would, in fact, show officers where Amy and Pia lived.

In the second-floor room investigators found crystal methamphetamine and paraphernalia, but no suspects.

All four transvestites were taken to Pattaya police station where they all failed drug tests. They are being detained while police try to find Amy and Pia, and determine if the Leeds man with a wife and child leaped to his death in a drug-induced craze, or was murdered by the transvestite prostitutes he hired.