Active sex life reduces risk of prostate and breast cancers

Dr. Frank Mallory describes the relationship between the hormones Testosterone (male) and Estrogen (female) and prostate cancer and breast cancer, respectively.
Dr. Frank Mallory describes the relationship between the hormones Testosterone (male) and Estrogen (female) and prostate cancer and breast cancer, respectively.

The Pattaya City Expats Club held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, July 1, which was then followed by their guest speaker, Dr. Frank F. Mallory, PhD, on the topic of “Prostate and Breast Cancer: How to Reduce Your Chances.”

During the brief AGM, PCEC Treasurer Judith Edmonds presented her financial report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2018, and Chairman Roy Albiston presented a report entitled “Success” highlighting the Club’s accomplishments during the year. Electoral Officer Bob Smith then announced the 5 members (2 incumbents and 3 new) nominated to the Governing Board would begin their 2 year terms without need for an election as the nominees equaled the number of vacancies.  In closing the AGM, Chairman Roy Albiston noted there would be a meeting of the Governing Board immediately following the regular club meeting to elect new officers.

Dr. Mallory recommends a more active sex life as a natural way to reduce the risks of prostate or breast cancer over drugs often taken for that purpose.
Dr. Mallory recommends a more active sex life as a natural way to reduce the risks of prostate or breast cancer over drugs often taken for that purpose.

Dr. Mallory, a Full Professor and Past Chair, Department of Biology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, gave an interesting talk about reducing your risk of getting prostate and breast cancer, primarily through ways to improve the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body; noting that both sexes produce these hormones, testosterone is primarily associated with the male (prostate) and estrogen with the female (breast).

Based on many studies, he concluded that an active sex life is more beneficial in having a healthy life and reducing the risk of these two types of cancer than using drugs. Most of his talk looked at changes in prostate cancer and breast cancer with age and associated biochemical and behavioral changes and discussed natural options that people have to reduce their chances of having these debilitating diseases.

Dr Mallory’s talk focused primarily on testosterone, its importance in normal male function and its natural decline in men as they age. To offset this decline, many men turn to anabolic steroids to restore a more vigorous lifestyle, especially in the love department. But to the surprise of many, Dr Mallory mentioned that research studies have shown that watching lots of pornography is a natural way to increase testosterone and avoid all the short and long term pitfalls of steroids. He said this research shows viewing pornography regularly can increase hormone levels by a whopping 100%.

Though an enlarging prostate is an inevitable prospect as we grow older its potential for cancer and the seemingly endless night trips to the toilet can be avoided by having more sex. Studies have shown that men who don’t have sexual intercourse are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer. Other studies seem to indicate that men with 20 or more partners have their risk for cancer reduced by 28%. He did mention that his could also be less partners, but more frequency with fewer partners.

So, the conclusion of the matter seemed to be self-evident from the research, use it or lose it. If you want to keep up your testosterone levels and at the same time reduce your chance of prostate cancer, watch more porn and have more sex. Now that was an interesting bit of information, especially when presented in a talk about clinical studies.

Though he has taught university for the past 40 years and teaches a course in Biological Aspects of Human Sexuality, his primary research focus has been wildlife management and animal behavior specializing in the evolution of predator/prey systems in large mammals.

He has published papers on wolves, bears, caribou, deer and moose, and worked in the Canadian Arctic and Boreal Forest and in Mexico and Thailand. More recently he has worked on Human Liver Infection in collaboration with faculty from Khon Kaen University studying the ecology of species that are alternate reservoirs for this infection, which is so common in northeastern Thailand.

The current PCEC Governing Board poses for a photo after their 1 July 2018 meeting and election of officers. Front Row Left to Right: Richard Smith (Vice Chairman), Robert Smith, Allan Riddell, and Darrel Vaught. Back Row Left to Right: John Morris, Ron Hunter, Anne Smith, Roy Albiston (Chairman), and Judith Edmonds (Treasurer). Far back: Terry Albery (Secretary). Board Member Tom Loughney was in the USA and unavailable for the photo.
The current PCEC Governing Board poses for a photo after their 1 July 2018 meeting and election of officers. Front Row Left to Right: Richard Smith (Vice Chairman), Robert Smith, Allan Riddell, and Darrel Vaught. Back Row Left to Right: John Morris, Ron Hunter, Anne Smith, Roy Albiston (Chairman), and Judith Edmonds (Treasurer). Far back: Terry Albery (Secretary). Board Member Tom Loughney was in the USA and unavailable for the photo.

Needless to say, there were lots of questions and comments for Dr. Mallory at the end of his presentation. After Dr. Mallory answered many questions or addressed the comments, MC Roy Albiston brought everyone up to date on upcoming events which was followed by the Open Forum where members and guests can ask questions or make comments about Expat living in Thailand. For more on the PCEC and their activities or to subscribe to their weekly newsletter, visit

After the presentation, Member Roger Fox interviewed Dr. Mallory. The video can be viewed at:

A video of Governing Board Chairman Roy Albiston giving his annual report can be seen at: