HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Volvo Tennis returns this week
Scandinavians prevail at Banana Scramble
13th Asian Games - Thailand (part one)
Seeds and Pits split
Pattaya Sports Club Darts to resume after New Year’s

Fit facts

Mickey Mouse Fun Darts League new season underway

The mighty cleans up!
Taylor and Karlsson take TAGGS trophies
Papa Ray Roger’s ‘Turkey Day’ tournament
Hakze and Kamilu win at Phoenix

Validation of handicaps

Gellestrub and Carlton take top honours

Historic victory at Charity Mini-golf
PSC Golf next week
PH3 Run 766 The Halloween Run
Pattaya Sports
Club Homepage: 


Volvo Tennis returns this week

Dusit Resort will once again host this WTA event

s1.JPG (26126 bytes)Slovakia’s Henrieta Nagyova, who defeated Belgium’s Dominique Van Roost in last year’s Volvo Women’s Open, will return to defend her title this year at the Dusit Resort Pattaya.

The Volvo Corporation, the Lawn Tennis Association of Thailand and the Kuwait Petroleum Company (Thailand) have organized the 1998 Volvo Women’s Open Tennis Tournament in Pattaya. The tournament will once again be held at the Dusit Resort Hotel Pattaya, this year from November 14 - 22.

The Volvo Women’s Open is part of the WTA Tour and a major tennis event in Thailand. First prize is US$107,500 or 4.5 million baht.

The tournament continues to gain international recognition as a world class event. A Class IV tournament, the event attracts many up and coming stars on the Women’s tennis tour.

This year sees the return of last year’s champion Henrieta Nagyova from Slovakia, ranked 23rd in the world; Indonesia’s Yayuk Basuki, three time Volvo Women’s Open champ who is ranked #48; and Thailand’s ‘fair haired girl’ Tamarind Thanasugarn or ‘Tammy’, ranked #37.

Part of the festivities will include a ‘mini-motor show’ of Volvo automobiles and a family rally held from Bangkok to Pattaya on November 21-22.

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Scandinavians prevail at Banana Scramble

Bjarne Nielsen’s birthday bash was a rousing success at Siam Country Club on Thursday, November 5th. Over one hundred golfers participated in what has become one of the highlights of the Pattaya Sports Club golf calendar. The famed "Banana Scramble" takes its format from Texas, but there was a decidedly Scandinavian cast to this popular Dane’s fortieth birthday party. The winning team was composed of three Swedes and one Norwegian, who shot a gross 8 under par to add to their team handicap of 6.1 and take first place with a net 57.9.

s21.JPG (41440 bytes)The winning team, Team Vikings, with birthday boy Bjarne. (L to R) Magnus Johansson, Andres Karlsson, Bjarne, Svein Vistung and Sture Brisholm, with PSC Golf Chairman Mike Franklin.

Sture Briseholm, Anders Karlsson, Magnus Johansson and Svein Vistung played a bogey free round, which is the real key to unlocking success in a Texas Scramble. They birdied holes 2, 6, and 7 to make the turn at three under par and were feeling pretty good about their chances. But it was their start on the second nine that sealed the win. They birdied the first five on the back to head into Siam’s tough finishing holes at eight under par. With three holes to go, they still needed two more drives from Svein Vistung to comply with the rule that each team member would contribute three tee shots. On the sixteenth par 3, Svein put in on the green and the team parred the hole. On one of the toughest driving holes at Siam, Svein hit over the bunkers on the right on the par 4 seventeenth and then watched as the ball kicked left and stopped in perfect position just short of the water. At that point they were home free, and the Philippe Pichard watches for first place were almost around their wrists.

s22.JPG (24504 bytes)Runners-up, the white gloved Team TQ (L to R) Murray Kerr, Jerry Lien, Jim Montgomery and Lewis Woody Underwood.

In second place was Team TQ. Combining low handicappers Murray Kerr and Jim Montgomery with higher handicappers Jerry Lien and Woody Underwood, Team TQ clinched the number two spot when Jerry Lien drilled a twelve footer on the eighteenth green for their final birdie of the day and a net score of 59.6.

It’s hard to figure how Jerry Quinn got on the third place team. His golf was great, but the name’s all wrong. Neil Munro, Neil Cameron, and Neil Hughes teamed with Jerry to shoot a gross 67 off their team handicap of 6.2 for a net 60.8.

s23.JPG (31578 bytes)Dan Lundberg (right) accepts the prize for Men’s Long Drive from Bjarne and Mike.

Anyone who has played a Texas Scramble knows you need a strong captain to make the decisions and keep the egos smoothed and in check. Still, there is always someone who isn’t going to like not having their ball in play even if it is buried in a bunker with a downhill lie. In fourth place was the mix and match team of husbands and wives Tage Andersen, Anni Andersen, Neils Villadsen, and Edith Villadsen. Their marriages must be bed rock solid to not only play together in this format but to do better than twenty other teams in the tournament. They ended the day with a gross 68 and a net 61.

Bjarne hosted his birthday party at the Cafe Kronborg with plenty of Carlsberg and plenty of delicious food. There were also plenty of people on hand to help one of Pattaya’s leading citizens celebrate his fortieth trip around the sun. Among the guests was Papa Ray Rogers who knows a few things about combining golf and birthdays and who has the "Turkey Day" tournament coming up on November 26. The awards ceremony was emceed by Pattaya Sports Club Golf Chairman Mike Franklin who presented the winning teams and the technical prizes. The Closest to the Pins winners were Strub Werner, Darryl White, Vic Cross, and Mark Calwell. The Men’s Long Drive was won by Dan Lundberg and the Ladies’ Long Drive was won by Nual Russell. The Katoey’s Long Drive was won by Russell Finch who insisted on putting his name down on the Ladies’ Long Drive hole. Although in fairness to Russell, there were two Long Drive markers out on the fairway.

The Banana Scramble has grown from 70 participants in 1996 to 84 in 1997 to this years total of 112. That is quite a success story and quite a tribute to the popularity of Bjarne Nielsen. Happy Birthday "Banana"!

Banana Scramble final results:

Winning Team: Sture Briseholm, Anders Karlsson, Magnus Johansson and Svein Vistung (H’cap 6.1, Gross 64, NET 57.9)

Runners-up: Woody Underwood, Jerry Lien, Jim Montgomery and Murray Kerr (H’cap 8.4, Gross 68, Net 59.6)

3rd Place: Neil Munro, Neil Cameron, Neil Hughes and Jerry Quinn (H’cap 6.2, Gross 67, Net 60.8)

4th Place: Tage Andersen, Anni Andersen, Nils Villadsen and Edith Villadsen (H’cap 7.0, Gross 67, Net 61)

Near Pins: #4 Strub Werner, #8 Darryl White, #12 Vic Cross, #16 Mark Calwell.

Long Drives: #7 (Ladies) Nual Russell, #18 (Men) Dan Lundberg.

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13th Asian Games - Thailand (part one)


December 6, 1998, will mark the opening of the 13th Asian Games to be held in Thailand for a record fourth time. The Asian Games are Asia’s premier sporting event, where the cream of Asian sportsmen and women have the chance to compete in a competition whose status and prestige are growing and is second only to the Olympic Games.

From an inaugural event in 1951 with only 11 nations taking part in track and field, basketball, cycling, soccer, swimming and weight lifting, the Asian Games have grown into a truly continental competition with 43 nations and regions competing in 38 sports for a total of 377 gold medals.

The honor of staging the 13th Asian Games falls to Thailand for a fourth time and to add to the prestige, the 13th Asian Games will be the last great sporting festival of the millenium. To this end Thailand, although in the midst of an economic crisis, has devoted a tremendous amount of energy and resources into making the 13th Asian Games the biggest and friendliest with some of the most modern sporting facilities in Asia and the world.

Friendship Beyond Frontiers

Long known as "The Land of Smiles", Thailand is famous for its hospitality, the friendliness of its people and its tolerance of people regardless of race, sex or religion. Therefore, it is fitting that Thailand should be host to the 13th Asian Games whose theme is "Friendship Beyond Frontiers".

The theme coincides with the effort of Thailand, as the hosts, to make the 13th Asian Games more of an event to strengthen friendship not only among Asians but also across the world, than an event to compete for victory.

Like the saying goes:

"From national frontiers to personal frontiers,

from conflict to competition,

from sacrifice to victory,

the ordinary becomes extraordinary

as the 13th Asian Games dawn in the city of eternal promise"

The History of the Asian Games

The Asian Games is the world’s largest regional event and in its short history has been hit by everything from armed invasion, to being center stage at one of the region’s most tense Cold War stand-offs, yet it continues to champion Asian culture and harmony through Games-related festivals.

The forerunner to the Asian Games, the Orient Olympic Games, was first held in Manila, the Philippines in 1913 where sports had been actively encouraged by the US Colonial administrators. Re-titled the Far East Championships, the next event was held in Shanghai in 1915 and continued every 2 years to the 10th Championships in 1934. That same year, on the other side of Asia, the West Asian Games were inaugurated.

The Birth of the Asian Games...

Following World War II the Indian International Olympic Committee drew up plans for a federation that united the region. It was tentatively called the Asian Games Federation, and the plans called for the first regional games, titled the Asian Athletics Championships, to be staged in India in 1948.

In reality, the first Asian Games took place in 1951 with a modest 500 athletes from 11 countries competing in track and field, basketball, cycling, soccer, swimming and weight lifting. Since then the Games have been held without interruption on a four-year cycle.

Closely linked to the Olympic movement...

The Games close link with the International Olympic movement have been underscored repeatedly: the 1958 Games in Tokyo provided the Japanese Olympic Committee an ideal vehicle to showcase the country’s renaissance and laid the groundwork for the country’s successful bids to host the 1964 Summer and 1972 Winter Olympics. Likewise, the 1986 Asiad in Seoul, Korea provided a useful dry run for the Summer Games in 1988.

continued next week...

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Seeds and Pits split

The Pattaya Pits and the Sattahip Seeds squared off on Sunday, November 8 at the weekly Pattaya Sports Club softball game. Both teams cultivated a frenzy of excitement and each harvested a victory in the doubleheader.

The action was quickly germinated when the Pits put up four in the first as Jersey Mike and Aloha Tom each had RBI doubles.

The Seeds answered right back with four of their own thanks to timely hitting by Quick Chris and Tundra Todd.

Tight defense kept the game tied until the fourth when the Pits put up two behind the big stick of John (Baypoint) Bechtel. This seemed to bring the Seeds out of hibernation as they sprouted six runs in their half of the fourth with Alan (Y.B.) Baa and Mike (Mr. Ice) Berg doing most of the damage.

The Seeds then added two in the fifth and one in the sixth to take a commanding lead. But the Pits would not go quietly and erupted for six runs in the top of the seventh, falling just one short, enabling the Seeds to capture the victory 13-12.

The nightcap saw the Seeds jump out to an early lead as Slammin Sammy and Hustle Russell provided key hits.

The Pits were down eight to five going into the bottom of the fourth when G’day David, Vagabond Mike, and Sterling (Silver) Bechtel each had lower deck dingers to right field. Gordon Lightfoot added an RBI double and the Pits pushed eight runs across the plate to take the lead.

That ended the scoring until the top of the seventh when Dapper Dan added two with a single to left and later scored on a sacrifice fly. But the Pits squelched the rally and tasted the fruits of victory 13-11.

Games are every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at the back of Somprasong Plaza on Jomtien Beach Road. Equipment is provided and hot dogs, beer and soda are available. Everyone is welcome to participate.

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Pattaya Sports Club Darts to resume after New Year’s

Following a highly successful and enjoyable trial tournament at the Cafe Kronborg for PSC members, organised by Bjarna and Len, the purpose of which was to assess the interest in darts among PSC members, a decision was taken by the committee to resume sponsorship of the sport of Darts which had been historically, along with Golf, one of the reasons for the formation of the original Pattaya Sports Club.

At the October E.C. meeting of the P.S.C., Len Banfield was elected to fill the vacant post of Chairman, PSC Darts. At the meeting a budget was allocated to sponsor a Pattaya Sports Club League on a weekly basis if possible. Len was charged with making arrangements on the basis of his recommendations that each team should have 2 PSC members among them, and the E.C.’s desire that in addition to the normal array of trophies, a trophy for a lady member and a trophy for a male member of the PSC would be awarded each season.

An initial offer to the bar owners league which took over the previous PSC Tuesday League was rejected on the basis that they were quite happy with their existing organization which has been working well during the hiatus in PSC activity.

At this time a new league is being planned and hopefully will be in place in the New Year. The format will be singles and doubles, a triples in the case of an odd number in each team, a team game and a beer leg which only counts towards a win if the game has thus far been drawn.

Venues such as restaurants and bars who have an interest in Darts and would like to take part should contact Len Banfield. The minimum size of a team is four players.

While the darts, especially the beer leg, are usually taken seriously enough, the main aim as in all sports is to have fun playing and you don’t have to be a John Lowe to enjoy yourself. The league will be for anyone who wants to play either on a regular basis or casually and turns up at one of the venues which will be found reported in the Pattaya Sports Roundup of the Pattaya Mail every week.

In the future it is expected that the PSC Darts Section will be able to offer an avenue for darts sponsorship from outside bodies who want to promote dart competitions through a reputable non-profit organisation.

All inquiries should be made to Len Banfield, telephone (38) 420-432, email [email protected].

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Fit facts

G’day Pattaya, I trust all is well and you are keeping yourselves active.

This week I want to cover a topic that is the health scourge of the Eastern Seaboard and something else that we all should keep in mind for our later years.

Narrowed Coronary Arteries from Stress

Tension, frustration, inability to cope with pressure and even sadness may double the risk for heart attack on persons with coronary circulation problems. Feelings of joy and happiness will reduce that risk almost by half, while feeling "in control" of one’s life reduces risk by a quarter. This is the result of one of the most detailed studies conducted on over one hundred heart patients in Durham, North Carolina.

For 48 hours, these patients wore a small device that recorded an uninterrupted ECG. Every 20 minutes, they jotted down their actual mood at that moment.

The results are as follows:

* One hour after experiencing negative feelings, the blood supply to the heart muscle was at it’s lowest.

* Such circulatory problems first show up in an ECG. As they get worse, they can cause angina pectoris (a pain that radiates from the chest area), combined with shortness of breath.

* Angina pectoris needs to be regarded as a warning signal for a heart attack.

Muscle Training Fights Arthritis

Weak thigh muscles may actually be the cause for arthritic knees and not, as commonly believed, a consequence, thereof in more cases than you would think.

This from a study conducted on more than 400 elderly people in the U.S.A., about a third of whom were arthritis patients. A person with arthritic knees will get an output from the upper thighs only one fifth of the usual strength (relative to body weight). This applies to patients that are pain-free as well as to those with acute pain. This leads to the conclusion that muscle weakness is not caused by the kind of pain that prevents the muscles from tensing up.

That is: The muscles are wasting away from neglect not from the sensation (some say pain) that comes with muscle stimulation.

Tests also reveal the fact that arthritis patients experience no reduction of muscle mass and of a tendon crosscut, even if they are not being used. Muscles, though weak, do exist. They need to be strengthened to ensure buffered (knee saving) steps and well-rounded movements.

Bottom-line; take care of yourself.

Carpe Diem

9:30 am A.B.T.
Lo Impact
  Lo Impact
11:00 am Step
3:00 pm Mystery
5:00 pm Beginner
3 in 1
Lo Impact
Lo Impact
6:30 pm Step
2 Step
Lo Impact
3 in 1
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Mickey Mouse Fun Darts League new season underway

Mick’s Place kicked off the start of the new season with a home win against Palmer’s, but lost the beer leg.

Rising Sun also won their game against Cheers with Jiss scoring a check out of 104 for the winning away team. However, Cheers won the beer leg.

In the other Friday Night Mickey Mouse Fun Darts League game, Pleasure Dome won the match away at Beer Put with Alex winning the beer leg for Pleasure Dome with a check out of 90, finishing on the Bull.

Anyone interested in playing should just turn up at one of the participating venues and will be sure of a game.

This week’s matches (Friday, November 13th) has Palmer’s vs. Cheers, Rising Sun vs. Beer Put and Pleasure Dome vs. Mick’s Place.

Week No. 1

Pleasure Dome
Mick’s Place
Rising Sun
Beer Put

U 10s
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The mighty cleans up!

PSC Splinter Golf Group

Weds. 4th Nov. - Bangpra
1st: Sven Berthelsen, 39 pts
2nd: Neil Hughes, 35 pts
3rd: Jerry Quin, 34 pts

In beautiful conditions, the laughing Dane turned in a great performance at Bangpra to easily beat the rest of the field in this Stableford comp.

Fri. 6th Nov. - Pattaya C.C.
1st: Jerry Quin, net 67
2nd: Serge Straeton, net 68

In a closely contested stroke event in fairly windy conditions, Jerry Quin just edged out Serge, with many players close behind, all playing good golf on a course in reasonable condition.

The rumour mill has been very quiet this week, although stories still circulate about widespread Viagra abuse still persisting within the group.

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Taylor and Karlsson take TAGGS trophies

PSC TAGGS... golf from the Hare House

Wednesday, November 3 - Phoenix Country Club (Medal)

1st: John Taylor, 69 Net C/B
2nd: Jimmy Little, 69 Net
3rd: Malcolm Clare, 69 Net

One of the main purposes of handicapping is to allow golfers of varying skill levels to compete against each other with a even chance of winning. That the Pattaya Sports Club has done a great job in making this happen was definitely in evidence on Wednesday at the TAGGS medal tournament held at Phoenix Country Club. Three golfers, with a fairly wide range of handicaps, all finished with the same score of 69. New Zealander John Taylor plays off 13; American Jimmy Little plays off 24; and Englishman Malcolm Clare plays off 36. And if there is any justice in this world then the lowest handicap should win. He did on count back.

John Taylor became the twelfth consecutive different winner in individual competition out of the Hare House. Those twelve golfers represent seven different countries and have a wide range of handicaps. But because the system of handicapping is fair, they all had a chance to win and they did. It is rare in this world when we get something right, but in this instance a tip of the hat to the winners and near winners and especially to Bill Thompson and the Handicapping Committee for a job well done.

Friday, November 6 - Century Golf & Country Club Rayong (Stableford)

1st: Anders Karlsson, 38 points
2nd: B.J. Smith, 34 points
3rd: John Taylor, 33 points

A small, albeit elite, field traveled down to Ban Chan to play the Nick Faldo course at Century Country Club. Nick would have felt right at home on this day. The wind blew so hard it was like playing at Troon with a lot of trees.

Most of the regulars at the Hare House had already played the day before in the Banana Scramble and were too tired from golf or what comes after to play again on Friday. That didn’t seem to bother Anders Karlsson, who was on the winning team at Siam on Thursday; celebrated hard on Thursday night; and came out on Friday and ran away with the competition. Anders, who plays off 15, started a wee bit slow and shot a 45 on the first nine for 17 points. He started the back with three straight pars on route to a 40 and a total for the day of 38 Stableford points.

Another slow starter was B.J. Smith. B.J. might have given up after his 14 points on the front nine. He obviously did not as he came on strong and finished the day 20 points on the back for a total of 34 and a second place finish.

Rounding out the leader board was New Zealand’s John Taylor who took third place with 33 points. This was John’s third straight competition in the top three.

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Papa Ray Roger’s ‘Turkey Day’ tournaments10.JPG (15304 bytes)

Pattaya Country Club, Thursday 26th November

Papa Ray

Sign-up early for the annual Papa Ray Rogers ‘Turkey Day’ Tourney to celebrate Thanksgiving. After the Stableford tournament at Pattaya Country Club, Papa Ray will host the traditional Thanksgiving Supper at his house followed by the Prize-giving and Lucky Draw. There will be 17 Trophies on offer and many other prizes. Every player, when handing in a completed scorecard at Papa Ray’s, will receive a 1998 Turkey Day shirt Compliments of Ray.

There will be a big turnout for this so sign-up early at the Cafe Kronborg to avoid disappointment.

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Hakze and Kamilu win at Phoenix

PSC Pattaya Golf Society from the Bunker

There was quite a good turnout for Tuesday’s Pattaya Golf Society Stableford competition at Phoenix Country Club.

There were two divisions and the winners truly represented a league of nations.

Ger Hakze, the well-known antique dealer from Holland, was the close winner of Division One on a count back with 36 points. Bert Guy was close second, also with 36 points.

Division Two was won by the Flying Finn, Hannu Kamilu with a prolific 41 points. This was the third win in four outings for Hannu, certainly creditable consistency.

Once again this was only won on a count back from Englishman Joe Spavey, also with 41 points.

Nearest the pins were won by Bert Guy (1) and mine host of the Bunker, El Tigre Mitchell with two wins.

Colin Morgan is still not in action on the course and all members wish him a speedy recovery.

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Validation of handicaps

Handicap Committee Ruling 17/10/98

Visiting Pattaya Sports Club members with PSC Handicaps from a previous visit who are not on the current Handicap List, i.e. have not submitted a scorecard during the past six months, must confirm their most recent handicap in order to be moved to the current list and for that handicap to be recorded.

In order to do this, present your Home Club or Society Handicap Card to the PSC Tournament Director at the venue on the first occasion you play in a competition. Alternatively, contact Handicap Chairman Bill Thompson at 411804, or PSC Golf Chairman Mike Franklin at 731144.

Players with a handicap on the current PSC Handicap List who have been away, and have a current Home Club or Society Handicap which is lower than their PSC Handicap, must declare this on the first occasion they play again with PSC Golf, and play off the lower figure.

Failure to do this will mean disqualification in a PSC competition with no return of entry fee; or if intentionally not declared, possible loss of USGA Handicap.

The standard procedure for players without any form of handicap validation from PSC Golf or elsewhere is to submit five scorecards together, signed by a PSC Member, for a USGA Handicap to be given and a computer record to be entered.

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Gellestrub and Carlton take top honours

Pattaya Sports Club Golf from the Cafe Kronborg

Bangpra - Monday,
2nd November (Stableford)

The season began with a noticeable increase in numbers and new faces. Some rain did little to affect the scores in the ‘B’ Flight, although the low handicap brigade in ‘A’ Flight failed to make net par on this occasion.

A Flight
Winner: Steve Carlton, 33 points C/B
2nd: Norrie Whiter, 33 points C/B
3rd: Ray Woodruffe, 33 points

‘B’ Flight
Winner: Pete Gellestrub, 43 points
2nd: B.J. Smith, 39 points
3rd: Rudi Huber, 37 points

Very Long Drive: Norrie Whiter.

Near Pins: #2 Anders Karlsson, #8 Adam Chuter, #12 Peter Gellestrub, #17 John Sutherland.

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Historic victory at Charity Mini-golf

For the first time in the history of Pattaya miniature golfing, green jackets were won by a couple competing in both the men’s and women’s categories. The Vistungs, Svein and Laila came out on top after consistently good rounds over the 72 hole competition.

Organizing club, the Jomtien-Pattaya Rotary were amazed by the double win, and President John Richards was heard to mumble, "Well, I’ll be roostered by that scenario!"

s14.JPG (29080 bytes)Steve Tyco’s Bulls Head about to be presented by President John Richards and Dennis Stark.

The inaugural tournament, which netted around B 130,000 for local charities, was held at the Fairplay Minigolf course on Thappraya Road. In addition to the tournament there was a very successful raffle run by the active Rotary group. One of the major sponsors, Steve Cormack from Tyco was particularly happy to go home with a large carved wooden bulls head won in the raffle. He was very disappointed that he did not win the even larger carved Indian head as well, but that went to another "lucky" raffle ticket holder!

The final scores were:

1. Laila Vistung, 195
2. Suphee Thanomphol, 237
3. Chomphu, 249

1. Svein Vistung, 173
2. Rolf, 175
3. Alain Liechti, 180

1. Tee Nathawut, 218

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PSC Golf next week

The third week of November starts with a Stroke play competition at Khao Kheow on Monday 16th November with PSC Golf from the Cafe Kronborg (an early opportunity to start tuning up for the PSC Golf Championship at Khao Kheow in January), and a Stableford competition at Sriracha with PSC Splinter Golf Group.

PSC Pattaya Golf Society go to Green Valley on Tuesday the 17th to play Stableford and on Wednesday the 18th a choice of playing Stableford at Great Lake with the PSC Splinter Golf Group, or playing Bogey at Green Valley with TAGGS from Hare House.

PSC Golf from the Cafe Kronborg goes to Siam Country Club on Thursday the 19th of November for the Kronborg Monthly Mug and the week ends on Friday 20th November with a choice of a Scramble at Siam with the Splinter Golf Group or a visit to Bangpra with TAGGS to play Stableford.

The full November Schedule can be seen at PSC Golf venues, and on our Web Page at

Next week on Thursday November 26th, Papasan Ray Rogers ‘Turkey Day’ Tournament takes place at Pattaya Country Club with the Prize-giving and Thanksgiving Buffet Supper hosted by Papa Ray back at his house. Because of this the Cafe Kronborg Monthly Mug at Siam Country Club will take place a week early on November 19th.

More details in future issues of Pattaya Mail and at PSC Golf Venues.

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PH3 Run 765 The Halloween Run

Run 765 - 2/11/98. Hares: Seagull S. and Flying Frog. This Monday afternoon about 60 runners met at the Micro Lights Park to begin a most interesting and colorful run. Chicken F. called the first circle of the day and a collection of strange looking runners quickly materialized. All of the costumes were great and these folks deserved a thumbs up for the effort that they put in. Susie was the cutest witch that I have ever seen. My favorite character, however, had to be Duck Fellow. He was so beautiful in his new dress.

As always there were a couple of virgins wearing new shoes and after they had been dealt with for their stupidity, Chicken F. called in the hares. Seagull S. and Flying Frog processed to give us a quick chat and we were off.

Immediately the majority of us were sucked into a false trail that a few of us thought was far too long. This false trail also led us back past the beer truck and Airhead almost called it quits right there. I personally thought that the rest of the run was laid out very well. Fortunately the weather cooperated and we didn’t get wet.

Back at the circle Teeny Weeny immediately mouthed off - he never learns - and got about 15 minutes of ice time.

There were many returners this time including myself, and after we had all received our down-downs it was time for some ice spinning. First up was Britain. Next were two virgins from Nepal. Hilarious indeed! At this point F & F was iced for hash sheet abuse.

Next my airline buddy P.B.H. and myself were iced for no apparent reason. Then it was time for costume judging. Again, they were all great but Chicken F. won for the male winner (Hunchback) and Tomboy (Witch) for female winner. A few more beers and we were on the bus headed for the Classroom for more beers and good food.

By the way, the hares did a great job with the food at the end of the run. Good chicken!

On On R. R.

Look up the Pattaya Hash House Harriers on the Internet at or email Susie at [email protected] or call 364 185. The PH3 meets every Monday at 15:30 hours at the Hare House in Soi Post Office.

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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand 
Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected]
Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek.