HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Squatters hold up planned park construction

Asian Games athletes receive cash rewards

Apparent suicide on Jomtien Beach

Three arrested for selling drugs

Savvy undercover police arrest another speed dealer

Police crackdown nets 2 more drug dealers

Rayong attempts to improve air quality

Agriculture Bank holds celebration to draw customers

New police station opens on Samet Island

US Embassy consular officer visits Pattaya today

Squatters hold up planned park construction

Refuse to move

Pattaya City approved a budget of 2,000,000 baht for the building of a public park on the former Larn Pho market grounds, but a they are faced with the problem of a few families that still occupy the old grounds.

n1.jpg (32095 bytes)Pattaya’s new City Manager, Nirand Watanasartsathorn is faced with the problem of evicting “squatters” from public land so that a park can be built.

The city has given these people two options: a civil suit or a compromise which, they hope, will be congenial to all.

Nirand Watanasartsathorn, Pattaya’s new City Manager, told reporters that there were only two or three families who were still obstinately not moving. Other families had already moved willingly.

Nirand stated that former City Manager Songsak Yomjinda gave responsibility for solving the problem to the Pattaya City Attorney, as the city planned to file a lawsuit against the families, charging them with trespassing. They summoned them to the Banglamung Police Station, and the Banglamung police said they would clear up the situation quickly so construction could begin.

There is land in the Huay Din area waiting for them and Pattaya City has offered to subsidize a vehicle for the move. Both families’ response to all this was ‘See you in court.’

These families apparently never paid any rent or land tax. They also rented out land that was not theirs to other people and made a lot of money doing it.

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Asian Games athletes receive cash rewards

Millions of baht to be awarded

Virachai Somchat

The Sports Authority of Thailand will present honoraria to the 153 Thai athletes and coaches who participated in the 13th Asian Games.

Prime Minister Chuan Leekphai approved the move, which is aimed at providing encouragement to Thai athletes.

The entire budget for honoraria is 97,380,000 baht (92,000,000 baht is budgeted for athletes and 5,380,000 for coaches).

Athletes winning gold medals will receive 1,000,000 baht; silver medals winners 300,000 and bronze medallist’s 100,000 baht.

Chonburi and Pattaya are awarding 2,000,000 baht to athletes and 100,000 baht to coaches for beach volleyball gold medallists.

The seven water sports winners will receive 2,100,000 baht and their coaches 110,000 baht.

The canoe and rowing winner will receive 100,000 baht and the coach, 10,000 baht.

The Provincial government decided to award ‘dark horse’ winners with an additional ‘back salary’ of 20,000 baht for a total of ten months to compensate for the time they spent training.

Those receiving ‘back pay’ are Suhaimi Muhamad Kasem (windsurfing), Sergeant Damrongsak Vongtim (sailing), and Ratanaporn Alaisukh and Manasanan Paengkha for beach volleyball.

As for those who were expected to win and didn’t, the committee decided it would not ask the athletes to repay sponsors.

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Apparent suicide on Jomtien Beach

Shot to the head with an 11 mm

Police found the body of a Thai man who apparently committed suicide on Jomtien Beach. The Thai man had been shot in the right temple with an 11-mm. Police found a dark blue tote bag approximately one meter from the body. The bag was totally empty and no identification could be found. A short distance from the bag, officers found a Thai ID card that had been intentionally burned and could not be read.

There was a shoulder bag underneath the beach chair in which police found 34 rounds of 11-mm ammunition. They also found one shell casing near the body.

The owner of the beach chair told police that the man had rented it at 8:00 p.m. on the evening of the 20th. He ordered a can of beer and began chain-smoking and appeared agitated.

He then took his ID card and burned it. The owner of the beach chair then saw him take out a gun and shoot himself once in the head. Shocked, he went to call the police. Returning as quickly as possible, he did not approach the body but did see the man’s bag had been moved and didn’t see the gun.

Pattaya Police have not ascertained the identity of the man yet.

If anyone believes this man might be a relative or have any information, please call Boonleua Chatri at 01-403-6778 or 411-240 or Fax (038)-427-596.

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Three arrested for selling drugs

Over 1,000 tablets of speed confiscated

Arun Phinsanoh, 34, Suthin Phinsanoh, 35 and Somneuk Chanaam, 26, were arrested by Pattaya Police on January 20 for possession of amphetamines with intent to sell.

n4.jpg (22911 bytes)Police spell out “Ya Ba” - Thai for amphetamines - in drugs confiscated from the house of local drug suspects.

All three attempted to flee police when presented with a search warrant, but all were apprehended.

A search of the suspects’ house turned up 1,360 tablets of methamphetamine in 6 plastic bags, 14,300 baht, 7,000 of which was in marked bills the men received from sales to undercover police officers.

All three were charged with possession of Schedule One substances with intent to sell and now await trial.

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Savvy undercover police arrest another speed dealer

Guns and money also recovered

Police investigations revealed that a group of drug dealers were operating in the Banglamung and Pattaya areas, so a plan to apprehend these dregs of society was put into action on January 19.

Putting on their ‘actor’s hats’, 2 officers once again posed as speed-crazed druggies. Another 10 plain-clothes police followed a discreet distance behind.

n5.jpg (28758 bytes)Drugs, guns, money and gold chains were confiscated in a police raid on a suspected drug dealer’s abode.

Making a ‘connection’ with the seller, Mr. Narong Phomee, 31, at Soi Khao Noi in Banglamung, officers purchased 30 tablets of methamphetamine from him.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Narong, the other 10 officers had surrounded his house. The officers pounced immediately after he accepted the money from the undercover officer.

Finding that Mr. Narong had more of the drug on his person, the other 10 officers stormed the house. They found another man, Mr. Samai Embang, 28, hiding in a bedroom, where police found a large amount of methamphetamine. The search also uncovered suspicious cash, gold and an illegal .38 mm pistol.

Cowering in another bedroom were Mr Plerng Julaphan, 23, and Ms. Deuan Pherngsuwan, 25.

Officers took all four to the Banglamung police station for questioning. Mr. Narong said that a friend had given the gun to him for safekeeping. Unfortunately, he had forgotten his full name.

Officers charged Mr. Narong with possession of Schedule One Substances with intent to sell and possession of firearms without a permit.

The other three denied any knowledge of absolutely anything whatsoever. Unimpressed police reminded them that methamphetamine had been found on their persons and charged them with possession and intent to sell.

All four miscreants now await trial.

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Police crackdown nets 2 more drug dealers

More drugs, more guns confiscated

The police crackdown on methamphetamine continued this week with yet another ‘bust’ on January 20.

n6.jpg (25739 bytes)The money to be made in the drug trade seems to outweigh the deterrent of the death penalty, as more drug dealers with drugs and weapons are being captured every week.

The Drug Enforcement Division of the police learned that there was a lively trade in methamphetamine transpiring in the ‘Krung Thai’ housing projects in Banglamung. While patrolling this area, officers noticed two men on an unlicensed motorcycle. When they hailed and requested they stop, the motorcyclist stopped the motorcycle and both men fled on foot. Police gave chase and apprehended the two.

Police found 400 tablets of methamphetamine and a pistol on Mr. Somchai Thongplunk, 24. Mr. Ratanasin Khamsorn, 17, was carrying 200 tablets of methamphetamine.

Both confessed immediately. They refused to reveal the name of their source. The men told officers that their source gave them the pistol to protect themselves.

They were charged with possession of unlicensed firearms and Schedule One substances with intent to sell.

They now await trial.

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Rayong attempts to improve air quality

Petition Ministry for more funds

In 1993, the Ministry of Science, Environment and Technology gave the Province of Rayong 9,135,948 baht for the purchase of vehicles and equipment to measure air conditions and quality.

At present, however, this equipment does not meet the need of the province in the upkeep of air standards. The budget is also not sufficient to help those suffering from conditions caused by low quality air.

Mr. Phanas Kaewlai, Deputy Governor of Rayong said that, "We still lack sufficient machinery and tools... We are thus beginning a campaign to guard the quality of the air in Rayong."

The province also presented a new budget request to the Ministry of Science Technology and the Environment for 1999. This will help the province to upgrade its equipment and purchase necessary new tools for monitoring air quality.

Rayong wishes to purchase 1 large air filter, pollution evaluators, and a gas and vapor separator. The cost will be one million baht.

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Agriculture Bank holds celebration to draw customers

Encouraging Thais to save

On January 21, the Bank for Agriculture and Co-operatives and the Agricultural Co-operatives of Chonburi held a celebration for members. Somchai Khunpleum was the host of the party.

n8.jpg (31767 bytes)Somchai Khunpleum hosted the Bank for Agriculture and Co-poratives and the Agricultural Co-operatives of Chonburi celebration for members.

The purpose of the party was to let depositors know of the benefits of regular deposits and methods of deposit. There are four methods: daily deposits, savings accounts, special accounts and non-demand accounts. The Bank and Co-operative are now totally computerized, which makes banking much easier and more convenient.

Withdrawals may be made from the daily account upon demand by check and the account accrues no interest. One must maintain a minimum balance of 10,000 baht, civil servants and employees of government enterprises excepted. Their accounts must have at least 200 baht in it at all times.

Money may be withdrawn from the savings account upon demand, and interest is paid twice a year, at the end of March and September. Interest is calculated on a daily balance basis. There are three ways to withdraw funds from this account: with a passbook, by the ‘teller receipt method’, in which the customer retains a signed receipt from the teller. The third method is by a ‘bank card’. The customer receives a card that can only be used by one customer and must go to the bank in person to withdraw money. Fifty baht is required to open an account. Further deposits may be any amount over 1 baht.

A new way to deposit money at the Pattaya Branch of the Agricultural Bank is to use the ‘increasing money’ method. Deposit 500 baht or more and you may win 10,000,000 baht in a lucky draw. Putting your money in the Agriculture Bank not only earns interest on your money but helps agriculturists.

If you deposit 500 baht or more for a period of three years and make no withdrawals, you will receive 530 baht for each 500 deposited. Interest is calculated on the 10th of each April, July, October, and January of every year. There are 5 categories of lucky draw and 276 winners. The highest prize is 10,000,000 baht.

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New police station opens on Samet Island

To better protect tourists

Samet Island is officially in Thailand’s ‘Laem Ya’ national park, so it may seem odd that the island is quite busy with tourism and commerce. A few years ago, the government tried to ‘empty’ the island of the illegal guesthouses and businesses that were operating there. The public, as usual, resisted the government. A model of pragmatism, the government gave in. Currently the island hosts approximately 300,000 tourists a year.

n9.jpg (41219 bytes)Police Lt. General Somchai Prapasaphakdee cuts the ribbon, opening the Samet Island Police Station.

Samet Island has a total area of 21 square kilometres and is 7 kilometres from the shore town of Ban Phe. The resident population is now approximately 700 people. The island has no potable water.

Samet Island used to be the breeding area for several types of migratory birds who now practice their domestic activities elsewhere due to human encroachment.

The large number of tourists has had the side effect of luring criminals of many types. As this has been front-page news several times, it became necessary to augment the police force.

In the past, tourists had to travel seven miles across the water to file any complaints. With the upsurge in crime, this became increasingly inconvenient.

Criminals are especially active during the Monsoon season, as it is sometimes impossible to launch boats in the huge storms.

To battle the situation, the government decided to open a police station inside the park, which was officially opened this month with great ceremony. Tourists inside the national park are now under the protection of the police.

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US Embassy consular officer visits Pattaya today

Merlin Pattaya, January 29

Consular Officer Marc Forino from the US Embassy in Bangkok will visit Pattaya today, January 29. His visit will provide the opportunity for Americans residing in the area to obtain a number of consular services without having to travel to the US Embassy in Bangkok.

The officer will be providing services at the Merlin Pattaya Hotel, 429 Moo 9 Pattaya Beach Road, Chonburi 20260, tel. (038) 428-744, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 29.

Below is a list of services that will be provided during this visit:

* Passport applications (be advised, however, that new passports must be picked up at the US Embassy in Bangkok - they cannot be sent via mail)

* Extra passport pages

* Notarials, including affidavits required by the Thai government for marriage, driver’s licenses, and certain types of visas

* Registration with the US Embassy

* Information on application procedures for Thai citizens seeking US visas (note that applications must be submitted at the US Embassy in Bangkok)

Note that US law requires a US$55.00 (or Thai Baht equivalent) fee for each notary service provided. Passport fees range from US$40-60.

Please share this information with other Americans in your area. Should you have any questions, contact the American Citizen Services office at 02-205-4049.

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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
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Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected]
Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek.