Regent’s team at Fobissea MUN Conference


Students from Fobissea Schools and non-Fobissea Schools across Asia were invited to attend the Fobissea MUN Conference recently.  Preparations for the conference actually began in June 2011, but were interrupted by the floods.  In the end, 12 schools attended bringing over 270 student delegates together to debate current global issues in the same manner as the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council membership.

As this was the first time the 7 Regent’s Pattaya delegates had taken part in a MUN style conference, they were extremely nervous, not knowing if they would match up to the skills of seasoned debaters from other schools.  All 7 student delegates held their own and contributed resolutions and debates to all of their committees.

Regent’s Pattaya staff and student delegates (Y12 and Y13). Regent’s Pattaya staff and student delegates (Y12 and Y13).

Batya’s resolution was accepted after much debate – this was the product of a very late night’s research and drafting in the comfort of our Bangkok hotel!  It was clearly well worth the effort!

Jisu Chae from Year 12 commented on the conference, “It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I never thought it was possible to gain so much in just 3 days.”

Future debating conferences abound for any keen students.  For details of these, contact Mrs. Travis-Mulford (Head of History).  For those of you who cannot wait for these conferences, don’t forget to sign up for the Inter-House Debating competition, which is being run during lunchtimes from 2 – 6 April in the Round House.