Helping the Mabprachan Animal Shelter



I have just met a dynamic duo, Derek and Mali Doyle who run the Mabprachan Animal Shelter.

My encountering them started when I read an article about the shelter a few weeks ago. I was feeding a mangy mutt from a workmen’s camp very close to where I live in Jomtien, giving him tablets to cure his mange and proper food but he didn’t seem to be making any progress and was not getting any better.

I contacted Derek & Mali and they came to have a look at him and said he needed proper attention. They came back the next day with dog food laced with knock-out drops. 15 minutes later when he was out for the count, Mali wrapped him in a blanket and bundled him into the car and took him off to spend a few days at the vets and then on to the animal shelter where apparently he is getting better but has lost one eye.

Mali said they would be back to collect mum and have her spayed, which they did, but the collection was somewhat hampered by the discovery she had 6 puppies hiding under a shelter in the camp, in appalling surroundings, flea infested and in need of proper nourishment.

Mali discovered another mother with a further 5 puppies living in another part of the camp, also in dire need of food and medical attention. We contacted the local vet who very obligingly came with the first vaccines for the 11 puppies and the appropriate puppy food and tinned milk. Mali supervised collecting and separating them once they had been injected with the help of a very obliging young kid who lives in the camp and deserves a medal. She came back in a pick-up today to collect the puppies and their two mums.

I cannot imagine how I could have coped without their help; they are two wonderful humans and deserve more help than they are receiving at the moment. So, any donations would be welcome, and any fund-raising ideas entertained – I can be contacted on 0892 465 210 [email protected]

Any donation to the Mabprachan Animal Shelter should be paid into a designated bank account at the Bank of Ayudha, account no. 4721098793 Mali Doyle and would be gratefully received. Please advise us, however, that this has been done, so we can check that it has actually gone to the right place.

We shall form a charity when we have amassed the necessary THB 200,000 founding fee. The army of Thai directors should not be difficult. Three battalions of the wife’s family should suffice. Email Derek Doyle [email protected] if you want to help.

When I asked Derek to check and approve what I had written he replied ‘Perhaps you could include that we are bursting at the seams with the new arrivals and cannot handle any more litters.’

I know there are many worthy local causes to support, but the Mabprachan Animal Shelter is really worthwhile helping.

One only has to look at some of the before and after pictures to get some idea of the good deeds they perform

Best wishes,

Rick Walton