Gold diggers in the bedroom


Dear Hillary,

(A message from Terry regarding Texas Tom who was unsure of marrying his long time, long distance girlfriend.)

Tom, at your age, attractive intelligent younger ladies aren’t just “lying around on the ground”.  It seems you have a gem here and while every marriage is a risk, what have you got to lose?  Marry her and give her a better life in the U.S., and she will reward you by taking care of you until the day you die… a win/win situation.

Dear Terry,

Thank you for your sage advice for Texas Tom.  As you say, good girls like her are not “lying around on the ground”, compared to the gold diggers who are lying around in the bedrooms.  However, I counsel a little caution in the suggestion that the best place for the pair of them will be back in the USA, as Chuck Berry sang in 1959.  Thai ladies love Thailand, for the same reasons that ex-pats love Thailand, and often pine for home if uprooted and replanted in an alien culture.  Remember that at Suvarnabumi, the ex-pats have to come in through the ‘Alien’s Gate’.