Social media is nothing new


Social media is nothing new. Tens of thousands of years ago, before the evolution of language, humans used to tell stories by making drawings in caves. That was a form of social media. Social media, and particularly the use of Facebook and YouTube, was the topic of Club Board Member Jerry Dean’s presentation to the Pattaya City Expats Club at their Sunday, May 8, meeting.

Jerry said that Wikipedia defines social media as “computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or exchange information, career interests.” Further, when breaking down the two words, that “Social” refers to the interaction of people and other organisms with each other and “Media” is outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information or data. In Jerry’s words, “using tools to share information.”

Jerry Dean presents a slide showing ancient cave dwelling drawings to his PCEC audience. He points out that such drawings could be considered to be a form of social media.

Thus, Jerry points out that social media is not new, it dates back to the first existence of man. Jerry explained that cave drawings were social media. Additionally, some of the early forms of social media involved sending messages long distances by using drums or smoke signals. With the evolution of language, people learned to write and their messages were delivered by runners and ponies as well as by people travelling on boats.

Jerry Dean displays his internet connection to the PCEC’s Facebook page and demonstrates how to use it; encouraging his audience to visit the page and make use of it.

In 1816 along came the telegraph and the use of the Morse in code to send messages over wires in 1838. By 1876, we had the first telephones, and in 1895, the first wireless messages. Jump ahead to 1971. That is the year of the first email message being sent over a network. It is also the year the first personal computer was sold, though the term “personal computer” wasn’t coined until four years later.

Jerry said that by 2014, there were 183 billion emails a day being sent. Meanwhile, social media was expanding exponentially. There are currently over 4,000 social media sites. Everyone knows about Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, but there are plenty more.

Jerry mentioned that the Pattaya City Expats Club uses YouTube and Facebook social media sites. On YouTube, where the club has its own account, and therefore its own page, the Club post the interviews we do with our speakers after their presentations, as well video of most of the speaker presentations. Jerry explained that YouTube prefers that all videos be no longer than 28 minutes. If we have a video that is longer than 28 minutes, he will usually split it into two (or more) parts and post the parts separately. Jerry pointed out that people can click on the “likes” or thumbs-up button if they like a video we have posted. He said that that the video from the Christmas carol meeting last December featuring children from the Pattaya Orphanage received 576 likes, the most for any of the PCEC posted videos. He also mentioned that there is also a “dislike” or thumbs down button.

MC Roy Albiston thanks Jerry Dean for his presentation on the use of social media preparatory to presenting him with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation.

The PCEC has its own Facebook page. Using a direct hook-up to the Internet, Jerry demonstrated some of the features of the page. He pointed out that anyone can post something on our Facebook page; but we moderate the page regularly, so if any posts are deemed inappropriate, they are quickly removed. Jerry encouraged PCEC members who go on excursion trips organized by members to post some photos from their trip on our Facebook page (including information about the photos, e.g., who, what, when, & where). Jerry advised people not to post anything they don’t own.

Member Ren Lexander interviews Jerry Dean about his presentation to the PCEC on use of social media. To see the video, visit:

Jerry passed on some tips for people who have their own Facebook page, or who are thinking of starting one. For example, he showed how to use the privacy settings to limit who can view or post to your page. As was the case with YouTube, likes and dislikes buttons are available for items you post on your page.

Member Judith Edmonds introduces the Open Forum portion of the PCEC meeting, inviting members and guests to ask questions or provide comments regarding Expat living in Pattaya.

After the presentation, MC Roy Albiston brought everyone up to date on club activities and happenings around Pattaya before calling on Judith Edmonds to conduct the Open Forum, where questions are asked and answered about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya. For more information on the PCEC’s many activities, visit their website at