Lindmark bags a brace


PSC Golf from Lewiinski’s golf Society

Sunday, May 22, Green Valley – Stableford

1st Per-olov Lindmark (28) 37pts
2nd Stuart Evans (22) 35pts
3rd Nicholas Odnoral (20) 34pts

This is a fine period of the year for the golfers who live here, as the visitors thin out and all the courses become available for play at reasonable rates. But all is not honey and roses as the temperatures have been almost unbearable and have taken a toll on the players. This is the time to be wary and ensure that you take on plenty of fluids as you go round.

Stuart Evans.
Stuart Evans.

The test for today was of course our regular Sunday bash at the always popular Green Valley. The winner and man of the match was Per-olov Lindmark as he was the only player on the day to better par. Filling the second podium spot with a sound 35 points and for the first time ever at Lewiinski’s was Stuart Evans who hails from Jersey and plays his golf at the Royal Jersey Golf Club, home to the famous Harry Vardon.

Aussie star Nick Odnoral and JP Maffray went head to head in a count back for third place, both with 34-point returns but Nick’s luck held out to collect the final podium spot.

Monday, May 23, Greenwood A & B – Stableford

1st Takeshi Hakozaki (16) 42pts
2nd Ian Pickles (14) 41pts
3rd Stuart Evans (22) 40pts
4th Martin Allard (27) 40pts

The society finally extracted a pound of Wolveridge & Thomson flesh rather than the contrary, which is usually the case. Takeshi Hakozaki awoke (well his golf never sleeps) to throw a magnificent 42 points at A Flight off the white tees. That left everyone’s favourite nice guy Ian Pickles shell-shocked on a nonetheless splendid 41 points. In third place the man riding a purple patch, Jersey man Stuart Evans, put a successful count back on Martin Allard to wrap up the day’s golf after both posted excellent 40 point scores.

Wednesday, May 25, Crystal Bay B & C – Stableford

1st Per-olov Lindmark (28) 42pts
2nd Jim Elphick (26) 39pts
3rd Peter Henshaw (23) 37pts

A cloudless sky a baking hot sun and a well prepared course greeted the Lewiinski’s gang when they visited the Thai Takenaka designed Crystal Bay to take on the B & C layouts, and it was to be a day that threw up fine results.

An outstanding round of 42 points was by far the best score on the day, and that was achieved by Per-olov Lindmark who made it two wins in the week. Let’s hope he can keep this sort of golf going as his new handicap will demand it.

Jimmy ‘two shots’ Elphick filled the second step on the podium with a rock solid 39 points, as Peter ‘the silver surfer’ Henshaw closed the flight with a fine 37 points.

Friday, May 27, Burapha C & D – Stableford

1st James Brackett (8) 41pts
2nd Ken Hole (17) 39pts
3rd Peter Stonebridge (18) 36pts

It was a perfect day for golf with little sun and medium humidity as the gang gathered to play the ever popular Burapha C & D layouts, which were found to be in fine condition.

Big Jim Brackett had the best round of the day – a man of the match splendid 41 points. Jim was two clear of the man who is always there or there abouts, Ken Hole. Two players needed a count back to separate them as both were tied on 36 points, Peter ‘the headmaster’ Stonebridge and Martin Allard, with the scales of justice tipping in the headmasters favor as his maths added up the best.

Note: Lewiinski’s is situated on Pattaya land Soi 1, Beach Rd Soi13/13 near Walking Street. Anyone wishing to play with us just pop in and add your name to the list otherwise why not call Peter on 086 139 6301. Transport is provided.