Rotary Club Pattaya Marina installs president and board for 2012-13


Rotarians gathered at the Pullman Pattaya Hotel G on June 9 to witness and celebrate the installation of the new president and board of directors of Rotary Club Pattaya Marina for 2012-13.

Outgoing president Yves Echement gave his year-end report in French, English and German underlining the achievements in humanitarian projects during his year as leader of the club.

President Joseph Roy 2012-13, ready for new challenges.President Joseph Roy 2012-13, ready for new challenges.

“Our major projects were the building of a dormitory and installing solar power for the Karen hilltribes in      Mae Sot district in Tak province. Our club may be small but our projects to help humanity are very effective and this year Rotarians have been very supportive of the underprivileged by Reaching Within to Embrace Humanity.”

Past District Governor Pratheep Malhotra performed the solemn ceremony of installing Joseph Roy as president of the Rotary Club Pattaya Marina for 2012-13. At the same time he presented the past president’s chain to Yves Echement commending him for his commitment and professionalism in the way he administered the club during his year as president and more especially for his achievements in humanitarian projects.

In his address to Rotarians and guests, PDG Peter said that incoming Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka’s theme for the new year is ‘Peace Through Service’. He quoted excerpts from Tanaka’s speech which explained the philosophy behind the theme.

PP Dr Olivier Meyer ensured that the proceedings moved along smoothly.PP Dr Olivier Meyer ensured that the proceedings moved along smoothly.

“We hear the word peace every day. We hear it in the news, we use it in conversation, and we talk about it a great deal in Rotary.

But most of us spend very little time thinking about what peace really is, and what that word means.

“On its simplest level, peace can be defined by what it is not. It is a state of no war, no violence, and no fear. It means that you are not in danger of hunger or persecution or the suffering of poverty.

“Peace means different things to different people. No definition is right, and no definition is wrong. And however we use the word, however we understand peace, Rotary can help us to achieve it.

“Rotary helps us to meet the basic needs of others: to provide health care, sanitation, food, and education when and where it is most needed. It helps to meet the inner needs as well, for friendship, connection, and caring.

PDG Pratheep Malhotra speaks of ‘Peace Through Service’.PDG Pratheep Malhotra speaks of ‘Peace Through Service’.

“And Rotary helps us to build peace in its most traditional sense, by reducing the causes of conflict. It builds bridges of friendship and tolerance among people and nations.

It helps us to understand each other.”

In his inauguration speech President Roy stated that he is grateful for all the good wishes and advice bestowed on him by his members and colleagues, promising to carry out his duties as president to the best of his ability.

“Our focus will be to help needy children, especially in the field of health, hunger and education.”

PDG Peter proclaims Joseph Roy (right) as president and Yves Echement as past president.PDG Peter proclaims Joseph Roy (right) as president and Yves Echement as past president.

PDG Peter presents the past president’s badge to Yves Echement and congratulates him on a job well done.PDG Peter presents the past president’s badge to Yves Echement and congratulates him on a job well done.

Hubert Meier (left) president of the Rotary Club Phoenix Pattaya greets PDG Peter Malhotra and PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan (right). Hubert Meier (left) president of the Rotary Club Phoenix Pattaya greets PDG Peter Malhotra and PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan (right).

Members of the YWCA lent their support to the happy occasion. (l-r) President Praichit „Nitnoi“ Jatapai, Elfi Seitz, Laurence Fatus and Nittaya Patimasongkroh. Members of the YWCA lent their support to the happy occasion. (l-r) President Praichit „Nitnoi“ Jatapai, Elfi Seitz, Laurence Fatus and Nittaya Patimasongkroh.

President Roy Joseph (right) introduces his board of directors for 2012-13. (l-r) Dr Olivier Meyer, Daniel Dandoy, Pierre Yves Eraud, Yves Echement, François Lecomte and Gerard Porcon.President Roy Joseph (right) introduces his board of directors for 2012-13. (l-r) Dr Olivier Meyer, Daniel Dandoy, Pierre Yves Eraud, Yves Echement, François Lecomte and Gerard Porcon.

Rotarians and their families attended the ‘installation night’ to wish each other continued strength and success in future humanitarian endeavours.