Thai photographer wins The World’s At Night award


BANGKOK – The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), the Ministry of Science and Technology, announced that a Thai photographer was among 10 winners of the seventh Earth & Sky Photo Contest organized by The World’s At Night (TWAN.)

Total Solar Eclipse from Svalbard.
Total Solar Eclipse from Svalbard.

The contest aimed to make the public aware of an environmental issue of light pollution: the wasteful, wrongly directed portion of light which scatters in the night sky. It was open to both professional and amateur photographers.

In the “Beauty of the Night Sky” category, “Total Solar Eclipse from Svalbard” taken in Norway by astronomy communicator and photographer Thanakrit Santikunaporn from Thailand stood out for technical excellence, showing the entire sequence of the March 20, 2015, eclipse from the Arctic on 78-degree north latitude. He was among the 10 winners of the seventh Earth & Sky Photo Contest this year.

The contest received more than 1,000 entries from 57 countries and territories. The 10 winning photos were taken in Canada, China, Iceland, Iran, Italy, Norway, Russia and the United States.