ECT encourages people to vote in election to prevent corruption


BANGKOK, 25 June 2012 -The Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) has reiterated to the public that corruption among politicians will no longer exist if they excise their rights to vote in an election. 

Acting Sub-Lieutenant Wanchai Jaikusol, Deputy Chief of the Election Commission, has explained that if people with ill intents are chosen to govern the country, it is likely that they will repeal the law to favor themselves and their political proxies, given the Thai society is governed by the law.

He has thus encouraged people to cast their votes whenever there is an election, given they will lose certain rights if they fail to do so; particularly the rights to veto an election on all levels as well as to run for any office.

In addition, they will not be able to request the local council to enforce any law on local monetary fund for local development. However, he added that if voters are unable to exercise their rights due to their disability, their obligation overseas, or have reached the age of 70, they must file an exemption request at the district office 7 days prior to or after the election day to retain their rights as a voter.