Century-old tree tumbles on car, power lines


Age and wind finally took its toll on a century-old Second Road rubber tree, which took out power lines and damaged a car when it fell.

Estimated to be more than 100 years old, the tree near the entrance of the Hard Rock Hotel stood 20 meters tall and was a meter thick before its collapse June 19. No one was injured in the accident.

A century-old Second Road rubber tree took out power lines and damaged a car when it fell. A century-old Second Road rubber tree took out power lines and damaged a car when it fell.

Puangmalee Buapan’s Toyota Corolla took the brunt of the damage, which giant branches smashing into her hood, breaking windows and mirrors. She said she’ll think twice about where she parks for work from now on, as she and her husband looked over the damage with insurance adjusters.

Power also was briefly knocked out in the area when other branches tore down utility lines. Provincial Electrical Authority workers quickly restored service while city workers scurried to remove the tress, which caused about 20 minutes of traffic to backup.