Heading for an unhappy ending?


Dear Hillary,

I’ve been promising myself to have a Thai massage next time I’m over (September), but I don’t know how to tell if what I’m being offered is a genuine massage or otherwise.  I’m a bit past the rumpy-pumpy stuff these days and would just like to try one of the famous Thai (no hanky-panky) massages.  How do I find out first?


Dear Reg,

Here’s how.  A massage parlor that has beautiful girls soliciting for business on the pavement is probably a place you should stay away from.  I presume you are staying in a hotel when you come over, most of the better hotels will give you a straight massage, especially if you say that what you want is just a Thai massage.  Stay away from soapy massages and oil massages.  Find a nice older masseuse and she’s probably past the rumpy-pumpy stage too.  Have a nice relaxing time as she straightens out the knotted muscles (but not THAT one)!