Best wishes for a new start for the Hoppes and the Chandrasiris


On the 16th of June, a farewell party was hosted by Rosanne and Mike Diamente at their home for the many friends who wanted to bid farewell and wish the two long time expatriates and their spouses, Bruce and Judy Hoppe and Ranjit and Chitra Chandrasiri a great new start.

In her interview with PMTV Chitra admitted that after 14 years of living and working here, with Ranjith as the Deputy MD of the Royal Cliff Resort Hotel and president of the Wine Club, they are ready to go back home to Sri Lanka and start something of their own, though they definitely will miss Pattaya and the great many friends they have made here.

(L to R) Chitra and Ranjith the Chandrasiri along with Judy and Bruce Hoppe say farewell to their many friends here in Pattaya.(L to R) Chitra and Ranjith the Chandrasiri along with Judy and Bruce Hoppe say farewell to their many friends here in Pattaya.

“But we’ll definitely come back often as we have a condo here and we just love Pattaya.”

Bruce Hoppe, the vice president of Emerson Electric Asia will retire come September and looks forward to doing a lot of nothing, that is if he doesn’t get into plane building or boat buying, car buying or both or everything. All depends on which one Judy will agree to.

Judy on the other hand will have a handful going back home with grandchildren, new home under construction and Bruce staying home full time.

Marlowe, Judy, Som, Chitra show off Som’s gift bag.Marlowe, Judy, Som, Chitra show off Som’s gift bag.

But this very active lady who is a past president of Rotary Jomtien and who has held many important positions with the Pattaya International Ladies Club dealing with fund raising for charities, definitely can handle all that.

A party is not complete without great food and so Mike and Rosanne graciously laid out authentic Italian food, of course mainly with Mike in the kitchen and Rosanne standing by to welcome the guests, while Alvi Sinthuvanik slaved all morning to come up with delicious Thai cuisine appreciated by all.

On behalf of Peter Malhotra and Pattaya Mail Media Group, posters of many pictures of yester years in Pattaya where the two couples spent most of their time were presented to them.

We wish the Hoppes and the Chandrasiris the very best for their new ventures.

Dr. Iain and Pim enjoy the Pattaya Bay view.Dr. Iain and Pim enjoy the Pattaya Bay view.

(L to R) Som, Pui and Alvi are having a great time preparing the Thai food.(L to R) Som, Pui and Alvi are having a great time preparing the Thai food.

Arelette and Dinie pose for a photo.Arelette and Dinie pose for a photo.

The women gather for a commemorative group photo (L to R) Alvi Sinthuvanik, Chitra Chandrasiri, Pat Burbridge, Sue Kukarja, Malwinder Malhotra, Judy Hoppe and Rosanne Diamente.The women gather for a commemorative group photo (L to R) Alvi Sinthuvanik, Chitra Chandrasiri, Pat Burbridge, Sue Kukarja, Malwinder Malhotra, Judy Hoppe and Rosanne Diamente.

Mike and the boys look dapper.Mike and the boys look dapper.

Gang of girls revisit their friendships.Gang of girls revisit their friendships.

Mingling time.Mingling time.