Sign of slow economic recovery as sale of pickup trucks increases


Market share of pickup trucks for the first half of this year increased to 43 percent from 39-40 percent six months earlier indicating gradual economic recovery, especially in the agriculture and transport sectors, resulting in the improvement of the purchasing power of the consumers, said Ms Yukonthorn Visetkosin, managing director of Ford Thailand.


Overall car sale for the first six months numbered 367,481, representing a slight drop of 0.4 percent compared to the same period a year earlier. These are broken down into 128,310 units of passenger cars, a drop of 12.6 percent; 239,171 commercial cars, an increase of 7.6 percent.

Of the 239,171 commercial cars, 192,558 were one-tonne pickup trucks, representing an increase of 12.2 percent.

As far as Ford Thailand is concerned, Ms Yukonthorn said the company’s overall car sale for the first seven months of the year totaled 21,000 units – a big jump of 26 percent from the same period in 2015.

Ford’s market share has increased from 6.6 percent last year to 8.5 percent this year. Over 15,800 pickup trucks were sold, representing 30 percent rise.