Monitor lizard creates chaos in Sattahip restaurant


A giant monitor lizard created chaos in Sattahip after it wandered into a seafood restaurant and refused to leave.

A dozen animal-control officers were called to the Seahorse Station eatery Aug. 12 to wrangle the 3-meter-long reptile, which had taken up residence outside the restrooms.

A giant monitor lizard created chaos in Sattahip after it wandered into a seafood restaurant and refused to leave, scattering frightened tourists. Shown here, an animal-control officer grabs the monster by the tail and tries to drag it out where others could help subdue it.
A giant monitor lizard created chaos in Sattahip after it wandered into a seafood restaurant and refused to leave, scattering frightened tourists. Shown here, an animal-control officer grabs the monster by the tail and tries to drag it out where others could help subdue it.

The officers evacuated the restaurant of frightened patrons before attempting to subdue the 50-kilogram monster.

You talkin’ to me? Where does a giant monitor lizard go for lunch? Anywhere he wants to.
You talkin’ to me? Where does a giant monitor lizard go for lunch? Anywhere he wants to.

They tried to lasso the lizard but after 30 minutes of failed attempts, they resorted to catching the proverbial ‘tiger’ by the tail, holding on long enough for others to grab it around the neck before it could bite anyone.

One witness said he saw the lizard cross the road and then run into the restaurant.


