Herrington heads the field


PSC Golf from Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Sept. 6, Khao Kheow – Stableford

This is always one of our favourite stops, especially this day as most of our players had zipped off down to Hua Hin for a few days and we had relatively few for the trip.  But of course the quality was there as proved by playing off the yellow tees.

Tom Herrington (left) and John Pierrel (right) with one of BJ Lodge’s finest.
Tom Herrington (left) and John Pierrel (right) with one of BJ Lodge’s finest.

Our first group, a 3-ball, got off a little ahead of the allotted time and the test was to be the A & C nines, and with the way ahead seemingly clear we were in for a fast 18 holes.  The course was in great condition and it all looked set for a fine day.  That was until we encountered a 5-ball ahead of us after completing 4 holes.  Normally we would have been allowed through but on this day, despite the fact that the caddies phoned ahead, we were stuck behind for the next 14 holes until we finished our round.  Even our 4-balls behind caught up with us on the back nine.  You can never find a course marshall when you need one.

The four balls enjoyed themselves, they just had a nice amble around on a great course, but despite taking long breaks at every stop our 3-ball group was waiting to play on nearly every shot.

Back at BJ’s it was soon into the results.  The winner on the day was Tom Herrington with 37 points ahead of a count back on 33 points that saw John Pierrel in second and Barry Elphick third.  None of the first group were amongst the winners but they could be spotted in the corner having a few beers to recover.

Near Pins: Tom Herrington, Tommy Marshall, Barry Elphick

Friday, Sept. 9, St. Andrews – Stableford

The Tropical Golfers treated themselves to a rare outing to St. Andrews on Friday.  It’s more expensive than preferred, but we took advantage of Sports Day pricing to soften the blow, and the usual walkers don’t mind being “forced” take a ride once in a while.  Also sometimes you just have to test your golf skills against a tough foe and keep yourself humble.  With Hua Hin trips going on we still had 15 Tropicals show up for the challenge.

St. Andrews was in its usual good condition, but not excellent as one would expect.  Still the fairways and greens are utterly playable and better than most in the area.  About four greens were in various stages of recovery from recent coring, but at this course if that is your major obstacle to a good score you are having an excellent round and wouldn’t care.

There were plenty of low scores for the day, but surprisingly if you didn’t make handicap your job after the round was to listen and clap.

(L-R) Barry Elphick with Tom Herrington and Graham Buckingham.
(L-R) Barry Elphick with Tom Herrington and Graham Buckingham.

Barry Elphick (c/h 30) used his extra strokes to great advantage and gathered an impressive 40 points.  Great score on a tough layout!  Tom Herrington (20) finished a few strokes back with a fine 37 points, and Graham Buckingham (36) followed up with 36.  Good golf guys!

Near Pins:  Bob Watson (2), Mike O’Brien, Barry Elphick.

Long Putt:  Ted Morris.