Pattaya Sports Club Sea-Fishing Report


I don’t know how long this lousy weather will continue.  When it is not bad local weather, storms east of Thailand have been creating heavy waters making fishing conditions quite difficult.  Nevertheless, many of us are still brave (or foolish) enough to tackle the heavy winds and consequent abnormally large swells.

Six of us departed Khram Marine at our usual time of 07:00 hours on Saturday 4th August and braced ourselves for a hard day’s fishing.  The heavy seas caused the captain to move from our usual waters to the leeward of several islands.  Fortunately good sized pladang (around 5 to the kilo) were abundant, which was extremely lucky as there were few other fish caught for the day.

Newcomer to fishing, Jee Costello, centre, is joined in the photo by her father Lou, Ray, Joe and Sollie. Newcomer to fishing, Jee Costello, centre, is joined in the photo by her father Lou, Ray, Joe and Sollie.

Average bag catches ranged from 5 to 8 kilos per head so we were all satisfied by the end of the day and arrived back in good spirits.  No large fish were caught making this the second straight trip with no success.

Again, undaunted by the continuing bad weather, seven of us set out the following week on Thursday 9th August in far from ideal conditions.  Heavy swells made fishing difficult and we relocated to quieter waters where we were fortunate to have pladang jumping onto our hooks.  Very few other fish were caught except for one large grey cod around 2½ kilo landed by Peter.

We welcomed 4 newcomers on this trip, Lou Costello, his daughter Jee, Ray and Joe.  This was Jee’s first time on a boat and she handled the conditions admirably and assisted Dad in adding to his day’s catch.

Whilst we were limited to pladang, we all had bag catches of 4 to 6 kilos and voted the day as a successful trip, all planning to go on future trips but preferably when weather conditions improve.

Next trip on 18 August is fully booked but there are 2 places available on 23 August our last trip for this month.

Call Dene Mundy (081 862 6279) for bookings.