Keating shines at Eastern Star


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Dec. 12, Pattavia – Stableford

We had eight groups out today so three divisions with the equal cuts coming at 5-13.7, 14.2 – 18 and 19+.

Michael Healey, Paul Young and Brian Keating.
Michael Healey, Paul Young and Brian Keating.

There were two scores of 38 recorded, with Maurice Lots winning division 2 and Andy Ox division 3.  Taking second place behind Maurice was Shane Tutton with 36 points and in third place was Rolle Nielson.

In division 3, Paul Young placed second with 35 points and Rod Howett was third with 32.

Brian Libbey was the winner in division 1 with an even par 36 points and then there were three 35’s in fighting for second place.  With 19 points on the back-nine Paul Hubbard secured the silver ahead of Ron Miller in third and poor Al Griffiths who lost out.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Tim Hake, Brian Keating, Dennis Lea and Maurice Lots, and (Div 2) William Chang, Rod Howett, Dave Lehane and Dave Stockton.

There were four ‘2’s in division 1 for Per Forsberg, Brian Keating, Maurice Lots and Eero Sikka, while in division 2 there was a rollover to Mountain Shadow.

Wednesday, Dec. 14, Mt. Stableford

We teed off 25 minutes ahead of schedule today despite the course being heavily booked for the morning.  It was a very pleasant day with a light cloud covering and a cool breeze.

With the cut coming at handicap-17 for the two divisions, Ken Miller recorded the best score of the day to win division 2 with 36 points.  Rick Assi came in second after beating David Phillips 16/15 on the back six as they both scored 32 points overall.

Don Head with 35 points topped division 1, Maurice Lots was second one point behind and Dave Horne took third with 31.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Don Head, Ron Miller and Eeroo Sikka (2), and (Div 2) Steve Harris, Curtis Hessler, Dave Howden and David Phillips.

There were no ‘2’s in division 1 while in division 2 Curtis Hessler birdied the 15th to take the rollover pot from Monday.

Friday, Dec. 16, Eastern Star – Stableford

There had been a forecast of heavy rain in this region today and as we teed off there was a very heavy cloud covering, but the caddies said “no rain” so that’s the way it was.

Brian Keating returned the best score of the day, winning division 1 with 36 points while Jerry McCarthy was second one point behind and Michael Healey placed third with 34.

Andy Galvin won division 2 honours with 34 points, John Kelly was second on 33 and Paul Young was in the frame again, finishing third with 32.

Jerry McCarthy and Andy Galvin both had near pins on the 3rd, the mad dentist Les Smith secured another on the 13th in division 2 and Jerry McCarthy had one in division 1 on the 17th.  There were no ‘2’s recorded in either division today.