Bray shoots best of the day at Eastern Star


PSC 117th Monthly Golf Tournament

As Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham and Nigel Cannon made their way to Eastern Star early in the morning of Friday 17th August there was rain in the air – and that’s where it stayed all day.  The 69 competitors in this month’s tournament arrived to a quick efficient check-in and registration.  Then off to the course – either 1st or 10th tee.

The course was in excellent but challenging condition as Eastern Star had a major competition the following day – with some pins in interesting positions.  This proved to be true with a number of near pins not claimed.

After rounds just a little over 4 hours in duration, the players handed their cards in and from the comments it would appear the course won with just a few exceptions.

A Flight winner Jim Cleaver, left, with PSC Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham.A Flight winner Jim Cleaver, left, with PSC Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham.

The low gross winner was Paul Bray (4) with a gross 82.

‘A’ Flight – playing medal – was a close finish with Jim Cleaver (13) having a net 76 and Brian Parrish (12) a shot behind.

‘B’ Flight saw Barry Copestake (18) top with an equal best of the day with 37 points.

‘C’ Flight saw another 37 points from Henry Wong (21) to take the flight.

Only a few ladies today but it required a count back as Marlene Prudden (24) and Sim Davis (23) both secured 35 points with Marlene winning by having a better back 9.

Low Gross

1st Paul Bray (4) 82 gross

A Flight

1st Jim Cleaver (13) net 76

2nd Brian Parrish (12) net 77

3rd Alan Sullivan (10) net 78

B Flight

1st Barry Copestake (18) 37pts

2nd Larry McBride (16) 36pts

3rd Bryan Neal (16) 34pts

C Flight

1st Henry Wong (21) 37pts

2nd Don Lehmer (20) 36pts

3rd Joe Tynan (33) 36pts


1st Marlene Prudden (24) 35pts

2nd Sim Davis (23) 35pts

Near Pins:  Mike Allidi (2), Dick Warberg, Don Carmody, Bob Newell, Eddie Beilby, Jean McFfray, Joel Flor, Ning Neal.

Long Drives:  Tony Oaks, Bryan Neal, Henry Wong   Pim Boonsrischi

There was plenty of time – despite the Friday traffic – to arrive at Lewiinski’s for a drink and a chat before enjoying an excellent buffet provided by Colin and his staff.

B Flight winner Barry Copestake.B Flight winner Barry Copestake.

Once all were satisfied Nigel called order and welcomed all and introduced Joe Mooneyham the PSC Golf Chairman.

Joe thanked all players today and expressed his appreciation to Colin for another fine buffet and first class service from his delightful staff.  Joe reminded members that the next monthly was a special charity event on Friday 21st September.  It will be at the prestigious Siam Plantation with a shotgun start at 12.30 with the presentation and buffet in the clubhouse – sign-up sheets are at the PSC office and Joe asked that members sign up early.

Back to Nigel to announce the winners – Joe presented the prizes, which was followed by the lucky draw and good night!

Full results are on the PSC web-site at www.pattaya and on the club notice board.

C Flight winner Henry Wong.C Flight winner Henry Wong.

Long Drive winner Tony Oaks.Long Drive winner Tony Oaks.

Joe Tynan, 77 years young and still in the frame.Joe Tynan, 77 years young and still in the frame.

Ladies winner Marlene Prudden, left with Joe Mooneyham.Ladies winner Marlene Prudden, left with Joe Mooneyham.