Drinking under the table


Dear Hillary,

Sitting in a pub the other day, minding my own business and in comes this young Aussie chap, throwing his weight around, all boastful like. You would have loved what happened next. All the girls sucked up to him, and his big head was getting bigger, let alone any other sized head. Drinks for everyone there, drinks for the girls, drinks for the cashier, and our big bronzed hero eventually fell to the floor, rat assed, while the girls were just happy. Do you think there should be warning signs in bars, for people like him?


Dear Rabbie,

You’re not the Burns person are you? Though I suppose if that were you, you would be several hundred years old. What you witnessed was Karma, though I doubt if he would ever learn from the experience. He will keep doing it till his piggy bank doesn’t rattle, and then go back to his country telling anyone who will stop and listen about how he took on a complete bar and outdrank them all. Don’t worry, just keep the pot boiling while you can.