Iranian arrested for baht bus pickpocketing


An Iranian has been arrested for allegedly pickpocketing a Belgian man on a Pattaya baht bus.

Mohammed Yazid Kherrab, 52, was apprehended by fellow passengers on the taxi as it stopped at the Soi Buakhao Market Jan. 24. They held him until police arrived.

Mohammed Yazid Kherrab has been arrested for allegedly pickpocketing a Belgian man on a Pattaya baht bus.
Mohammed Yazid Kherrab has been arrested for allegedly pickpocketing a Belgian man on a Pattaya baht bus.

Victim Guy Boterberg, 52, pointed out the man he accused of lifting his wallet.

Juthi Matukarn, 37, led the group of locals who detained the Iranian. Juthi said Mohammed was acting suspiciously while on a baht bus where he was sitting next to Boterberg.

When they approached the market, the Iranian made his move, but Juthi spotted him and shouted “thief” in Thai. Others quickly grabbed the suspect.

Police are investigating whether the Iranian also was involved in a similar incident reported on a baht bus at the Chaimongkol Temple, not far from the scene.