Lambert on top at Phoenix


The Billabong Bar Golf Society


Monday, Feb. 6, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

We were playing Ocean and Mountain at Phoenix Gold today in perfect conditions for golf.  The course was in great condition as the staff are getting it ready for the Kings Cup on the 23rd of next month.

With 5 groups playing we got off a little later than scheduled but it didn’t matter as all three nines were full but the golf just flowed along at a nice pace of play.

Another challenge was thwarted by Capt Bob and Lloyd Shuttleworth, this time against Scotland and England.

There were no ‘2’s so the prizes went down to 4th place today, which was taken by Tom Parker with 33 points.  Third place went to Barry Lewis with 34 points and second went to Lloyd Shuttleworth with 37.  The top spot went to our good friend Gerard Lambert with a fine 39 points.

Lloyd Shuttleworth, Gerard Lambert and Barry Lewis.
Lloyd Shuttleworth, Gerard Lambert and Barry Lewis.


Wednesday, Feb. 8, Green Valley – Stableford

We have all had the problem when it is our turn to putt, someone – or more than one – give every impression of having done the ‘bossa nova’ (that is a dance for the uninitiated) around the pin, creating a host of spike marks on your line.  Naturally, being the fine upstanding sportspersons we are, we abide by the rule that dictates these cannot be touched, even in Thailand.  Well you heard it here for the first time, the powers that be are rumoured to be considering rescinding this rule to allow the golfer to repair these marks as you can pitch-marks.  Don’t hold your breath but watch this space.

A full complement today of 40 players including 11 ladies yielded six 2s, going to Jim Brackett, Tony McD, Glyn Davies, William Macey, Kevin Wild and Peter Poppleton.  The overall scores were very good with Gerard Lambert claiming 4th place with 38 points, Warren Miller losing out to Selwyn Wegner on 39 points for second, having 20 on the back-nine to Selwyn’s 21, but Peter LeNoury led the way with 40 points.

In the ladies, Capt. Bob’s mathematical skills were called into to focus as he decided that Miss Yen lost out to Miss Poopay on 36 points, with the back-nine, six and the last three holes all being identical.  Miss Thip also fell at the last fence, losing out to Miss Pin as the latter had 24 points on the back nine to take the honours on 39 points.

Thip, Pin, Poopay and Yen.
Thip, Pin, Poopay and Yen.


Friday, Feb. 10, Crystal Bay – Stableford

Crystal Bay today and what condition it was in, just fantastic playing the C and B loops where the greens were just superb and fast as can be.  Many three-putts were a common factor, especially in the scribe’s group.

There was only one ‘2’, coming from Kevin Wild and usually when he gets a ‘2’ everyone else does, but not today.  Prizes went down to 3rd place which went to John Anderson with a fine 35 points.  A count back had to decide 1st and 2nd and the Hong Kong copper had to settle for 2nd with 42 points, with Capt Bob taking line honours on the same score but with a better back-nine.