Alchemist finds winning formula


The Backyard Golf Society

The high season hordes are finally starting to depart back to their northern homes and only a few Hugelflugels remain to upset the usual rapid rounds at Emerald.  That said, we did once again see a slow front nine last Friday, Feb. 24, before a faster back stretch.  One can only assume that the golfers get the urge to get off the course with the onset of the midday heat and the impending opening of the bars?

The winner of the main competition was the Altrincham Alchemist with an excellent 40 points, one point ahead of Heart Murmur Owen (clearly a chef who takes great pride in sampling his creations).  Once again Owen had made some snacks for the lads back in the clubhouse.

The near-pin was won by Jimmy 2 Stones – playing off the silver tees seems to provide a distinct advantage on the short, par 3, 15th hole.

Mickey the Yak and Second-hand Bob each won 5 skins, Heart Murmur won 4, The Biss won 2 and there were singles to the Alchemist and Jimmy 2 Stones.

Worryingly, Watthathwat, who is due to take over the footy pool soon, was absent yet again.  Not known to have been at all reliable in his previous roll as official photographer, Wattie will no doubt be looking to offload this new responsibility as soon as he can, if he actually takes it up at all.  Stitches Morgan had his ball stolen by one of the resident dogs on the front 9, but the dog soon dropped it when he was told what happened to Stitches’ last dog Tokyo… ala Hannibal Lecter, he was consumed “with some fava beans and a nice chianti”.