Labour Ministry unveils plans to solve labour shortage


BANGKOK, 28 March 2017 (NNT) – Labor Ministry Permanent Secretary Gen. Sirichai Ditthakul has disclosed that in 2017 the ministry will focus on solving the country’s labor shortage, in accordance with the 20-year manpower development strategy and the labor master plan.

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The Department of Skill Development and Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) will set the framework for capacity development of workers in various industries within six months. Students will undergo an aptitude test while prospective employers are required to inform the Department of Employment on their labor demands through the Smart Job Center, he said.

The Ministry of Labor has determined the short-term labor development plan and measures to manage manpower for the future. In terms of Thai workers, there is a 20-year human development strategy and a labor master plan which focuses on building a foundation for the nation’s workforce to accommodate for the Thailand 4.0 era, said the Labor Ministry.

The Minister of Labor went on to say that Thailand is engaged in cooperation with many countries such as Singapore, South Korea and Japan to develop skilled labor, especially in the automobile industry.