Government suggested to attract Japanese and South Korean tourists


BANGKOK – The Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI) has suggested the government urgently develop Thailand as a quality tourist destination using Thailand’s uniqueness to attract tourists from Japan and South Korea.

Thailand News - 07-04-17 4 Government suggested to attract Japanese and South Korean tourists 1JPG

The Business Research and Service Center of the TNI on Thursday announced the results of its survey on the Thai tourism in the eyes of Japanese and South Korean tourists. The center found that most of Japanese and South Korean tourists who travel in Thailand are well aware of the situation in the country. Tourists from Japan are very sensitive to events and research by themselves before traveling while South Korean tourists believe the information that they find on the Internet.

The tourists stay in Thailand around 5 – 7 days and spend 30,000 – 50,000 baht/person/trip. Most of them know about the characteristics of Thailand and like Thai massage, spa and food.

The center further suggested that the government use the unique characteristics of Thailand to stimulate growth in the Japanese and South Korean markets and increase security since it is the main reason tourists from many countries come to Thailand.