Crocodile tears at Treasure Hill


Golf from Siam Country Resort Pattaya

Tuesday, April 18, Pattavia – Stableford

This week saw us play two courses up the busy route 331, but as it was still holiday season we had an easy run up to the courses with very little traffic.

Tuesday took us to Pattavia, where we paid the extra premium to book the course all to ourselves, although they did allow a few people on after our last group holed out on the 18th.  The course was in very good shape although the greens had been heavily watered and so were much more receptive and a bit tamer than usual.  This must have been good for our golf as, with only one exception, we all scored in the upper 30’s.

Dave Smith, Willie Hogg and Paddy Devereux feed the Treasure Hill croc.
Dave Smith, Willie Hogg and Paddy Devereux feed the Treasure Hill croc.

Coming out on top with a fine display of accurate driving was Dave Smith with 38 points (which will edge his handicap into single figures – now 9.6), two shots ahead of the pack, with Stan Rees claiming second on 36 points.

Jonathan Pratt bagged three near pins with some good long irons on the long par-3’s and Dave Smith took the shorter one.


Thursday, April 20, Treasure Hill – Stableford

On Thursday it was off to Treasure Hill where a large group teed off in front of us, so our first group played extra leisurely so as not to disturb them.  This gave the later groups time to pose for a photo with the giant crocodile here at the course.

Treasure Hill is as unforgiving as a hungry croc and the only way to play it is to punch it hard on the snout.  Only two of us managed to do that, with Paddy Devereux scoring a fine 37 points and beating out Dave Smith on 35.  Dave might have done even better if he hadn’t had five putts lip out, leaving the rest of us shedding crocodile tears.

The croc’s teeth (near pins) were shared between Paul Davies, Jonathan Pratt and Dave Smith.