First Army invites local representatives to submit proposals on reconciliation


BANGKOK,(NNT) – Thailand’s First Army has begun inviting local representatives from the central and eastern regions to submit their proposals on national reconciliation.

Commander of the First Army Lt Gen Apirat Kongsompong chaired a meeting with representatives from four local groups to discuss their proposals on 10 issues pertaining to the reconciliation process. He will chair another two meetings on May 4th and 8th to hear suggestions from representatives of 25 provinces in the two regions. Proposed resolutions will be forwarded to the subcommittee on compiling suggestions towards reconciliation.

Lt Gen Apirat expressed confidence that the public forums will lead to the creation of a successful reconciliation model, which in turn will lead to national elections. He urged all sides to participate in the process with impartiality and trust in the government’s commitment to bringing about reconciliation.