History repeats itself


What happens in the past happens in the future. This was the message from Ofer Cohen at the September 30 meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club. Ofer is an astrologer, tarot card reader, and healer.

Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg called on Karin Lohitnavy to introduce Ofer. Karin said that she met Ofer about 3 months ago and that he is all about awareness. Ofer comes from a family with over 200 years experience in understanding people and predicting the future. Ofer is a guest columnist for the famous celeb magazine “HELLO” and is currently involved in production of a spiritual film which is dedicated to a mission of awakening & enlightening people all over the world. He has recently moved to Thailand and he has a Thai wife and baby.

Karin Lohitnavy introduces PCEC guest speaker Ofer Cohen, astrologer, tarot card reader, and healer.Karin Lohitnavy introduces PCEC guest speaker Ofer Cohen, astrologer, tarot card reader, and healer.

Ofer started his presentation by saying we are now in the Age of Aquarius. He displayed a sky map showing the planet Uranus is now in Aries. He said that when this occurs, it means there will be changes in the world; both strange and unexpected. Consequently, anyone born now will have unexpected changes during their life. He also said that changes are coming too fast and people are not ready for it. He mentioned the publicity surrounding the Mayan calendar that many said showed the world was coming to an end in 2012. In Ofer’s view there is nothing wrong with the Mayan’s calendar; but the prediction of the world’s end were misinterpretations.

Ofer then spoke about enlightenment. To illustrate his view, he mentioned the Greek philosopher Socrates. He was condemned by those who did not understand his views were based on enlightenment.  Ofer said that Plato, a student of Socrates, used an allegory about a cave in his The Republic to illustrate this point.  Ofer explained how this allegory about people shackled and facing only one direction believed that what they saw was the world they lived in. However, the allegory speaks of others who can move about and see the world for what it is.  There is more to understanding than the knowledge one gains from universities or science. Even though science continues to search for smaller and smaller matter, there is more than that to existence. In their pursuit, they do not see that the world was created by something. Although some may call it god, it is life; a stream of light that functions like DNA and goes in a cycle. He then mentioned the impact of the classical elements (fire, air, water, earth, etc.), auras, and the existence of different dimensions. Ofer said that once you understand the elements and the cycle, it is easy to predict the future because what happens in the past happens in the future.

He also discussed how awareness is enlightenment.  He has previously said that enlightenment is a state of mind and for some who are suffering, it will enhance the process of becoming enlightened, for others it is a natural inner wisdom which awakes, knowing you are light will heal you, experiencing it will enlighten you.

Ofer Cohen describes the traits and qualities of one of the PCEC members based on reading his astrological chart.Ofer Cohen describes the traits and qualities of one of the PCEC members based on reading his astrological chart.

Ofer concluded by showing how astrology can predict a person’s future. He had previously requested information from those interested in knowing more about themselves, but not their name, including their date of birth.  Using a computer program that draws astrological charts, Ofer entered the information and the program drew their astral chart. Ofer then read the chart for the audience describing the person and what has occurred in their life. For more information about him, visit his website at http://www.ofercohen.info/.

PCEC member “Hawaii” Bob announces the drawing winners of discount certificates for Frugal Freddy member restaurants in Pattaya.PCEC member “Hawaii” Bob announces the drawing winners of discount certificates for Frugal Freddy member restaurants in Pattaya.

After Ofer answered several questions from the audience, Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg provided an update on upcoming events and called on Roy Albiston to conduct the Open Forum where questions are asked and answered about Expat living in Thailand, Pattaya in particular. You can learn more about the Club and its activities by visiting their website at www.pattayacityexpatsclub.com.