CDC to review draft law on criminal procedure for political office holders


The Constitution Drafting Commission is set to review the details of the organic law on criminal procedures for political office holders.

CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan talks to reporters in Bangkok, Monday, May 15.
CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan talks to reporters in Bangkok, Monday, May 15.

CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan said Monday that the charter drafters haven’t made any changes to the draft although they did meet with representatives of the Supreme Court on May 8 when both sides discussed their views on the new law.

Ruchuphan said that the Supreme Court has proposed additional details concerning the trial process and an adherence to facts, logic and rationale in the proceedings, which is how the Constitutional Court performs its work.

He said that the Supreme Court believes such additional details should be effective in preventing any attempt to use a technicality to win a case.

Ruchuphan said that the CDC will work on the draft and submit it to the National Legislative Assembly accordingly.