Agreement reached to push forward tourism and service industry


BANGKOK – Three agencies have singed an agreement on research cooperation to develop tourism and service industry.

Deputy Prime Ministers Tanasak Patimapragon and Prajin Juntong presided over the Thailand Forum on Tourism Research Integration (TFTRI) held to promote the importance of researches and implementations in various areas, particularly the development of Thailand’s tourism industry towards the Thailand 4.0 goal.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony has been held on this occasion between the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Thailand Research Fund, and the Tourism Council Of Thailand to develop the concept of researches on tourism and services in three categories in the 2018 fiscal year, namely cross-border tourism, creative and community based tourism, and the value enhancement of research supported tourism activities.

The TFTRI has been held as part of the 20-year strategy to develop Thailand as a leading quality tourism destination of the world with a balanced growth based on the Thai identity to serve the development of the economy and society and distribute revenues to the general public.