Pattaya teachers train to use tablet computers


Forty-five Pattaya teachers touched up their skill sets with two days of tablet computer training offered by the city.

Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay presented completion certificates to the trainees Oct. 26.

Verawat said the training taught teachers and educators to understand and learn to use tablets in classrooms. Pattaya schools will receive their first shipment of $81 Chinese-made Android tablets later this school year. All first-grade students will receive one.

Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay (center) presents completion certificates to teachers after two days of tablet computer training. Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay (center) presents completion certificates to teachers after two days of tablet computer training.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra proposed the “one tablet per child” initiative as part of her election campaign last year. The government already has purchased 860,000 seven-inch “Scopads” from supplier Shenzhen Scope as part in a government-to-government purchase.

Government officials Oct. 31 said they planned to host an e-auction for another 1.6 million tablet computers during the 2013 fiscal year, with first graders and seventh graders splitting the lot. The Chinese government has offered a loan to allow the Information and Communications Technology Ministry to buy them.