Vets get one over on national squad stars


Indoor lawn bowling at the Coco Club

Coco Club near Baan Amphur has been hosting the Thai national team for preparation of the upcoming Bowls Title events in Malaysia and Australia with the indoor carpet being more comparable to the outdoor Australian grass. 

This culminated last weekend with a challenge event between the Coco “veterans” with an average age of at least about 55 against the Thai’s average of nearer 30, all accepting to play in the championship format.

The vets donned their “whites” from previous eras – only just fitting in some cases and games were very professionally monitored with the scores reflecting the closeness of the matches.

The morning singles and foursomes ended 20-17, 21-16, 18-14, 18-21, to give the “vets” a 3-1 lunch time lead.  The afternoon pairs and triples continued with scores reflecting a similar pattern of 17-16, 14-11, 15-14 and 13-25, so on the day the “vets” got their way with a 6-2 score and the Thai’s vowed to get their own back before they depart on tour!

Back to reality and the local leagues continue with the Sunday out of the hat doubles being led by Bank – our only Thai male player – heading a list of the Thai girls of Pin, Lek and Thanom.

Tuesday’s mixed doubles looks like going to Lek and Joe with Kelvin and Sue having to lose by 35 bowls in the final match to prevent them taking the runner-up spot.  Friday’s triples is in the hands of Pin, Yuppa and On to lose.

The new Wednesday pairs started this week, new league players are welcome, and fun games are always available with staff players who can give free instruction.  Call Sue on 087 135 8357.