Prime Minister orders for post-flooding recovery plans


SAKON NAKHON – The Prime Minister has ordered the authorities to conduct a damage survey and commissioned prompt recovery operations to ensure all water reservoirs will be capable of storing more water during dry season.

The premier said during his visit to Sakon Nakhon that His Majesty the King has been following the flood situation, instructed the government to quickly solve the flooding and uphold the teachings of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the sustainability of water management.

He has ordered the related agencies to quickly commission appropriate assistance to the flood victims and survey the damage, as well as raise public participation in bid to solve the problem. The authorities were instructed to survey and restore the conditions of the water reservoirs and see to it that each reservoir will have sufficient water for dry season.

He told them to communicate with the affected villagers and get prepared for the construction of large-scale water reservoirs to preclude flooding in the future.