Customs Department to amend regulations on imported super cars


BANGKOK – The Customs Department has stepped up its effort to amend laws pertaining to the import of high end automobiles as well as the submission of information on 200 cars found to have evaded taxes to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI).

The Customs Department is assembling information on 200 cars found to have either circumvented import duties or paid an insufficient amount for submission to the DSI so that it can press them to pay off the owed sums.

Director-General of the Customs Department Kulis Sombatsiri said evidence is available to affirm that almost all of the 200 cars avoided taxes when being brought into Thailand.

He also let on that the department is drafting new regulations on high end cars with the intent to bring laws more in line with present circumstances. One of the changes to be implemented is the requirement of a certified price evaluation to protect against importers paying too low a tax.