Takeshi storms to victory


Bunker Boys Golf Society

Monday, Sept. 4, Pattavia – Medal

1st James Carr (16) net 72

2nd Les Hall (25) net 74

3rd Raleigh Gosney (17) net 74

4th Allan Sullivan (15) net 75

Near Pins: Les Hall, Neil Carter, Tore Elliasen.

Takeshi Hakosaki.
Takeshi Hakosaki.

A group of fifteen golfers, the biggest number for the low season turned up for today’s round at Pattavia.  The course was in great order but the greens were slower than we have come to expect here, one green in particular presented a real challenge.  Geoff Parker nearly birdied that hole but ended up eventually with four putts for a double bogey.

Many failed to master the course but as ever a few were able to return good scores.  Jimmy Carr continued his good run of form to take first place with some excellent putting.  Les Hall is enjoying his new twenty-five handicap and was second, beating Raleigh Gosney on count back.  Fourth place went to Alan Sullivan with seventy-five.

Wednesday, Sept. 6, Khao Kheow B & C – Stableford

1st Takeshi Hakozaki (12) 35pts

2nd Roger Touhy (11) 31pts

3rd Neil Carter (12) 30pts

Near Pins: Takeshi Hakozaki (2), James Carr.

Today’s round began under relatively clear blue skies but at the tenth hole we were hit with a storm of biblical proportions, the wind howled, rain came at us horizontally and the lightening was scarily close so we abandoned play and took refuge in the shelter at the twelfth hole for about thirty minutes till the storm blew over.

As the skies cleared again the humidity was extreme and the course sodden.  The conditions didn’t seem to have any negative effect on our winner Takeshi Hakozaki who returned a very creditable score and he also took two near pins.

As we are now deep into monsoon season no doubt we can expect to be hit with similar conditions in the coming weeks, and those who rely on carts being allowed on fairways will be most affected.

Friday, Sept. 8, Eastern Star – Stableford

1st Geoff Parker (14) 37pts

2nd Roger Touhy (11) 33pts

3rd Frank Quinlan (32) 33pts

Near Pins: Roger Touhy, Mike Brett, Gerry Cooney, Lee Butler.

Eastern Star, the venue for today’s round is in the best shape it’s been for years, fairways are well grassed and the once shabby greens are thankfully now a thing of the past.  Fourteen Bunker Boys rolled up for the round in hot humid conditions.

Geoff Parker returned to form with a fine round with Roger Touhy of the snazzy shorts taking second on count back from Frank Quinlan.  It’s nice to see someone stepping up to maintain the dress standards now that Raleigh departs back to Japan for the time being and Roger is certainly setting a new benchmark with his colorful shorts, we wait to see who follows his lead.