Cheap eats


Dear Hillary,

Re the couple who wanted to know where to eat. I suggest Apex and Lek hotels buffets as each have at least 30 buffet items at 110 B when you buy 10 tickets, when splurging the Hilton has several bargain days/nights that are affordable. All of these are on 2nd. Rd. A favorite for Tex Mex is Beefeaters, just 20 meters off 2nd. Rd. pricier at 329 B but, all you can eat, including ribs. Central Mall has every fast food outlet (not junk food & I luv all) you can name & Mac & King have constant price wars. Hillary was correct as there are many street food vendors but I like to sit down when I eat.


Dear Don,

Thank you for enlightening me regarding the cheaper end of town. As I wrote, in answer to the query, there are just so many places to eat, and even the side of the road eateries supply seats, Don. You should know that.