Premature baby “pops out” in surprise home delivery


A 23-year-old woman gave birth in her Nongprue apartment after she claimed the premature infant just “popped out.”

Janpen Wonwiset and her child were doing well at Banglamung Hospital after the surprising birth Tuesday.  Sawang Boriboon Foundation medics provided first aid at the Moo 12 apartment, with shocked neighbors looking on with concern.

The new mother said she’d been resting at home after having been to the hospital three times during the pregnancy.  Labor came swiftly and before she could react, Janpen said, and the baby just “popped out.”

Sawang Boriboon Foundation medics help transfer the new mother from her home to Banglamung Hospital.Sawang Boriboon Foundation medics help transfer the new mother from her home to Banglamung Hospital.