Walking beat hazardous near police station

Walking the beat near Pattaya Police Station has become a bit more challenging for officers as erosion has wrecked the sidewalk.
Walking the beat near Pattaya Police Station has become a bit more challenging for officers as erosion has wrecked the sidewalk.

PATTAYA – Walking the beat near Pattaya Police Station has become a bit more challenging for officers as erosion has wrecked the sidewalk.

A 10-meter-long hole appeared near the Soi 9 station where repeated flooding caused the base of the footpath to wash away and the bricks collapsed. Pipes clearly were visible in the meter-deep hole, posing serious danger for anyone stumbling into it.

Only increasing tensions among tourists was a nearby sign from the Provincial Electricity Agency warning of high-voltage current.

No repairs had been made as of this writing with no signs city hall was on the job.