Cyclists saddle up for charity ride

Father Michael welcomed the riders, including Khun Noi from Pattaya Sports Club, one of the event sponsors.
Father Michael welcomed the riders, including Khun Noi from Pattaya Sports Club, one of the event sponsors.

The second Father Ray Foundation Charity Bike Ride took place on the morning of Sunday, October 5.  What was hoped to be a calm day weather-wise turned out to be one of the windiest days of the year, mainly due to the after-effects of Typhoon Damrey which had devastated parts of Vietnam, killing at least 44 people as it reached landfall.

This year the ride started at the Father Ray Children’s Village, near Lake Mab­prachan, and Father Michael Picharn, Vice President of the Foundation, greeted the more than six hundred riders who arrived to participate.  Many riders were wearing a selection of very colourful outfits and riding the most up to date bikes available.

Of the hundreds of riders taking part only a handful were foreign, including the one rider who crossed the finish line first; however, it was not officially a race, though some people just can’t help themselves.

As well as being a lot of fun, and this thirty five kilometer course would keep anyone fit and healthy, the aim of the bike ride was to raise much needed funds for the Father Ray Foundation, Pattaya’s largest charitable organization.  Today there are 850 underprivileged children and students with disabilities being cared for and educated at the Foundation, and the money raised will go into the Education Fund.

More information can be found at or email [email protected].

Bikes came in all sizes.
Bikes came in all sizes.
Expats Adrian and Alan pose with one of the boys from the Fr. Ray Foundation.
Expats Adrian and Alan pose with one of the boys from the Fr. Ray Foundation.
About to cross the finish line.
About to cross the finish line.