Officials report progress in ‘x-ray’ crackdown on drugs


Police and officials from the National Command Center for Drugs are targeting selected Pattaya-area neighborhoods for its new 90-day “x-ray” crackdown on drugs.

At a Dec. 18 meeting, Chonburi Deputy Gov. Adisak Thepass listened to progress reports on the “Children Returned to Communities” program launched Nov. 1. The project, which promises to “x-ray” communities for illegal drug use, is being carried out in the Sai neighborhood in Pattaya and the Thung Rhang and Rong Po areas in Huay Yai.

Chonburi Deputy Gov. Adisak Thepass listens to progress reports on the 90-day x-ray mission. Chonburi Deputy Gov. Adisak Thepass listens to progress reports on the 90-day x-ray mission.

Theerasak Jatipong, head of Pattaya Peace and Stability Maintenance Department, said the program’s goals include cutting the number of minor drug dealers in neighborhoods, putting addicts into rehabilitation, encouraging drug users to get jobs, preventing relapses and increasing education.

Official action to date, however, has little connection to rehab, employment or education, with Theerasak reporting action to date includes merely setting up police checkpoints, stopping and searching those found in alleys and small sois, and having volunteers search targeted groups and tourists.

Other projects begun include installation of 20 new closed-circuit television cameras in drug-trafficking areas, establishment of a police command post, advertising the program, sending mobile units to target university students and providing education to families.